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Fix Notes:
Page 10: individuals
[...] the government to certain individuals, or to indivduals holding certain kinds of property, of issuing the circulating medium, a privilege which is now enforced in this country by a national tax of ten per cent. upon all other persons who attempt to furnish a circulating medium, and by State laws making it a criminal offence to issue notes as currency.
Page 10: therefore
[...] but equally good, credits of the customers, and a charge therefor of less than one per cent., not as interest for the use of capital, but as pay for the labor of running the banks.
Page 21: aggression
Seeking, then, the elements common to all the institutions to which the name “State” has been applied, they have found them two in number: first, agression; second, the assumption of sole authority over a given area and all within it, [...]
Page 51: astonishment
Now the only as-stonishment is—at least in the United States—that the church is allowed to stay at any other level. But the political superstition has replaced the religious superstition, and Mr. Read is under its sway.
Page 55: unnecessary
Nearly all the evils with which mankind was ever afflicted were products of this "grand race experience,” and I am not aware that any were ever abolished by showing it any unneccessary reverence.
Page 67: prohibitionists
Yes, just as despotic as the prohibtionists who believe it is their right to defend themselves from drunkards and rumsellers.”
Page 80: necessary
Of the superior effectiveness of passive resistance to arbitrary and invasive policies it is hardly necesary to speak.
Page 81: advantage
Local autonomy in taxation and direct local rates are very advantageous to passive resisters, and labor is short-sighted in giving up the adavantage.
Page 85: Newcastle
But to say all this to Mr. Donisthorpe is like carrying coals to Newcatsle.
Page 92: addition
[...] thus causing coin to flow into the vaults of the banks and add to their reserve; that this additon had enabled them to add further to their circulation, until, by a continuation of the process, [...]
Page 112: therefore
[...] which each of them could obtain in exchange for his equally good but less reputable individual credit, having to pay therefor nothing but the cost of this exchange of credits.
Page 124: approaching
The hypothesis of free and mutual banking excludes on the one hand any legal limitation of the supply of currency whereby each note would acquire an extra value due to the enforced scarcity of the tool of exchange, and, on the other hand, any inflation of the currency to a volume exceeding the basis or sufficiently aproaching the limit of the basis to inspire an appreciable fear that the notes are in danger from a possible depreciation of the security.
Page 126: borrower
In the existing unideal world the collateral securing a mutual-bank note would guarantee its holder that, unless the original borower buys back the note in order to cancel therewith his own note held by the bank, the bank itself will ultimately convert the collateral into the commodity [...]
Page 138: extent
The solvency of the Scotch banks is due mainly to the following facts: first, that the stockholders in every bank except the three oldest of these institutions are liable to the whole exent of their personal fortunes for the bank’s debts; [...]
Page 142: impression
I was greatly interested in it, and the pamphlet made a deep impresion on me, suggesting to me a thousand thoughts; [...]
Page 144: attention
The question of the redemption of mutual bank notes in specie was still engaging the attenion of some of the students of the problem, [...]
Page 153: monopoly
[...] when he says that the present value of money depends upon monoply or scarcity, he is speaking of merchandise money.
Page 155: monopoly
A voluntary custom of selling preferentially for gold would not be a monoply, but there is no such voluntary custom.
(UNCHANGED) Page 155: Missing smallcaps and indentation at the bottom of the page. Every other "reply" has a paragraph which starts with smallcaps words and no indentation.
Mr. Fisher’s article is nothing but a string of assertions, [...]
(UNCHANGED) Page 157: Missing smallcaps and indentation.
A laborer’s product is such portion of the value of that which he delivers to the consumer as his own labor has contributed.
Page 159: accomplish
I know that it is a crime in this country, and I believe that the laws of England contain restrictions that oc-complish virtually the same result.
Page 159: alcoholic
If whiskey were the only alchoholic drink allowed to be used as a beverage, it would command a higher price than it commands now.
(UNCHANGED) Page 175: Missing smallcaps and indentation.
Let me suppose a case for Mr. Benton.
(UNCHANGED) Page 185: Missing smallcaps and indentation
This smacks of Henry George.
Page 191: happiness
—in other words, that man derives more happines from freedom than from luxury,—
Page 193: monoply
And when you have abolished the money monoply, and when, in consequence, the wages of the man with the bit of land have begun to rise above the cost of living, the labor question will be nine-tenths solved.
Page 204: propose
But if the community does not proprose to go to this extreme; if it proposes to recognize the individual and treat with him, [...]
Page 227: occupancy
—not occupany or use, as Mr. Byington seems to have understood.
Page 250: therefore
If they have their foundations in justice, why should men guilty of nothing but a legitimate act of coöperation and partnership be punished therefor by having their just rights taken from them?
Page 255: understood
[...] they thoroughly understod their course, we, at any rate, have pretty nearly forgotten their understanding.
Page 256: monopoly
The most serious of these four monopolies is unquestionably the money monoply, and I believe that perfect freedom in finance alone would wipe out nearly all the trusts, or at least render them harmless, and perhaps helpful.
Page 260: partly
[...] we got very angry with Carlyle for patly putting the American Iliad in a nutshell and epigrammatically establishing the substantial similarity between the condition of slave labor at the South and that of so-called “free” labor at the North.
Page 270: referred
I understand that there was some doubt in Chicago whether the millionaire refered to "meant business” and was entitled to serious consideration.
(UNCHANGED) Page 270: Missing smallcaps and indentation
I understand that there was some doubt in Chicago whether [...]
Page 274: Professor
Again I ask you, Profesor Sumner, does your anxiety lest the individual be interfered with cover the field of finance?
(UNCHANGED) Page 275: Missing smallcaps and indentation
Liberty welcomes and criticises in the same breath the series of papers [...]
Page 278: magnificent
The book is a magificent assault on the majority idea, a searching exposure of the inherent evil of State systems, [...]
Page 284: accomplishment
There are some invasive acts or threats which cannot be executed by individuals, but require crowds—or conspiracies, if you will—for their acccomplishment.
Bookmark Errors:
Page 84: Subchapter in the bookmark was missing "a Remedy".
Page 244: Method was placed in the wrong section
Added these subchapters:
Sociology - I. - How Far They Agree, and Wherein They Differ
Sociology - I. - Postscript
Economics - I. - The Redemption of Paper Money
Economics - II. - Liberty, Land, and Labor
Economics - III. - The Postoffice and Private Mail Service
Economics - III. - Competition and Co-operation
Economics - III. - Liberty and the Boycott
Economics - III. - Anarchism and Copyright