Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Secession, State and Liberty by David Gordon

Status: One Round of QC (10.30.2013)


Fix Notes:

Table of Contents: "About the Authors" does not match the title given on page 331: "About the Contributors". One of these should be flipped to match.

Page 94: par. 1: suppress

The week before the Declaration of Independence, Colonel Moultrie and the South Carolina forces, from their palmetto log fort on Sullivan's Island, repulsed and defeated a British fleet that threatened to supress their sovereign self-government.

Page 114: par. 3: abolitionist

Radical abolitioist William Lloyd Garrison advocated northern secession, crying "No Union with slaveholders."

Page 162: par. 3: expressly

This sentence is divided into two clauses, the first speaking of states retaining their sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and the second reserving to the states those powers and rights not expressely delegated to the United States.

Page 236: par. 2: occurred

Further, the study noted that "only minimal trade occured between Atlantic and western Canada," that [...]

Page 246: Footnote 5: near the very end is an extra comma.

Page 268: Footnote 97 carryover: benefitted

Trial lawyers would benefit if the incentives to use arbitration were reduced so that commercial disputes were shifted back to the public courts, just as English kings and judges had benefitted centuries earlier.

Page 286: par. 1: very end has a space before the final period

Page 331: About the Contributors: Québécois (to match the use in the rest of the book)

Eric Duhaime received his MPA from the National School of Public Administration and is employed by the Leader of the Bloc Québecois in Ottawa.


Page 61: Footnote 54: "In ibid." (?) Shouldn't this just be "Ibid."?

Page 114: Footnote 61: There is a reference to a book called "A Proslavery Argument" by Ronald T. Takaki. I looked it up, and I was only able to find: "A Pro-Slavery Crusade: The Agitation to Reopen the African Slave Trade":

"Quebecois" is used throughout the book, and so is "Québécois". There is also "Bloc Quebecois" + "Parti Québécois".

Should I add in hyphenation? non-, anti-, pre-, pro-, post-, under-, over-, -like, super-, supra-, inter-, -wide, multi-

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Method, Process, and Austrian Economics: Essays in Honor of Ludwig von Mises by Israel M. Kirzner

Status: One Round of QC (10.29.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 9: par. 3: Should be a left double quotation

In either case, such an economy would be comparable in kind to those whose participants are the ‘’animal consumers” examined by John Kagel and Raymond Battalio, and their coworker's.3

Page 15: par. 0: example

He acts to make the shoes from cowhide. (My thanks to Israel Kirzner for this exmple.)

Page 16-17: last sentence. to next page: dormancy

Faith in the efficacy of such predictive science for assistance in controlling the economy perhaps reached its apogee in the 1960s, after which skepticism emerged from its dormacy.

Page 19: Footnote 7: Cambridge

(Cambrigde: Cambridge University Press, 1980)

Page 35: par. 3: Missing hyphen

Both men shared an interest in neoKantian philosophy and an aversion to the cruder brands of positivism and behaviorism.

Page 36: par. 1: Missing hyphen

In his quest for a reputable philosophical position that would supply him with enough intellectual armor to withstand the onslaughts of positivism and to espouse the cause of rationalism in human affairs, he was driven to seek refuge in neoKantianism, the dominant school of thought in the German universities in the first quarter of this century.

Page 41: bottom par.: sequel

Lachmann’s chapter is clearly a sequal to and a substantial elaboration of his stimulating essay “From Mises to Shackle,”

Page 45: par. 0: Footnote 19 should be Footnote 17

Page 46: par. 2: Should be a left double quotation

“The social sciences do in fact nothing of the sort. If conscious action can be ‘’explained,” this is a task for psychology but not for economics.”

Page 46: par. 4: Should be a left double quotation

[...] because its propositions ‘’are valid for every human action without regard to its underlying motives, causes, and goals.

Page 65: Right after footnote 62: inference

Therefore, the inferrence of past events from a theoretical model satisfies the criterion.

Page 87: par. 1: entrepreneurship

Do we really need the concept of the evenly rotating economy “to grasp the function of enterpreneurship and the meaning of profit and loss” (p. 248), [...]

Page 91: par. 2: transactions

“This in turn requires that information processes and costs, transactions and tranactions costs and also expectations and uncertainty be explicitly and essentially included in the equilibrium notion.

Page 93: bottom par.: further

We may safely take it, from Hayek’s other writings if not from this paper, that the study of equilibrium is advocated to obtain additional insights and not to preclude the futher formal study of the mar-[...]

Page 100: Missing closing quotation mark

Milgate, M. 1979. On the origin of the notion of “intertemporal equilibrium. Economica 46:1-10.

Page 110: Missing closing quotation mark

Rothschild, Michael. 1973. “Models of market organization with imperfect information: a survey. Journal of Political Economy 81:1283-1308.

Page 111: par. 1: cooperation (to match the rest of the usage throughout the book)

For consider what precedes it. “In civilized society [man] stands at all times in need of the co-operation and assistance of great multitudes, while his whole life is scarce sufficient to gain the friendship of a few persons.”

Page 113: par. 3: everything

Once everthing is agreed— and within the analytical convention, finally agreed—there is no further need for any of the apparatus of enquiry, communication, and control which might have been required to secure agreement.

Page 121: par. 1: entrepreneurship

Since, moreover, enterpreneurship is based on superior knowledge in some particular, it is open to an entrepreneur to seek profit through misleading those with whom he proposes to trade.

Page 147: par. 1: entrepreneurship

Clearly this way of identifying the entrepreneurial element that is present in Misesian human action but absent in Robbinsian economizing activity fits in well with the approach that defines enterpreneurship as alertness to hitherto unperceived opportunities.

Page 159: Footnote 27: "Idid." should be "Ibid."

Page 174: par. 2: indeed

[...] as a category of intervention, and ndeed Mises was to add a separate category for confiscatory and redistribu-tionary taxation in his later work.

Page 176: par. 0: nonetheless

Thus Mises now treats taxation as a category of interventionism, which he nontheless still defines as he had in 1926 as any government policy that “forces the entrepreneurs and capitalists to employ some of the factors of production in a way different from what they would have resorted to if they were only obeying the dictates of the market” (1949, pp. 714-715).

Page 177: par. 0: should be a right double quotation

Thus in contrast to his statement in 1926, “If government buys milk in the market in order to sell it inexpensively to destitute mothers or even to distribute it without charge, or if government subsidizes educational institutions“ there is intervention (1926, p. 20).

Page 177: par. 2: missing space

[...] Mises analyzed can be meaningfully classified), his further subdivisions and analysis of taxation (which Mises had included but said little about), his inclusionof government expenditure, and nationalization (which Mises had excluded altogether).

Page 183: References: "Human Action" has wrong italics:

1949. Human action: a treatise on economics. London: William Hodge, 1949.

Page 197: par. 2: preferred

He prefered defining competition as “Economic Freedom.”

Page 198: par. 3: embarrassing

(To quote him today on the wonders of the public post office versus private telegraph companies would be merely embarassing.)

Page 199: par. 2: Missing closing quotation mark

Pure monopoly is a situation of one seller facing the entire-industry demand. The situation depends on there being no producers of “close substitutes.38

Page 206: par. 1: transferred

Property titles will be exchanged so that these resources are transfered to the highest-valued user.

Page 209: par. 1: historical

We have seen that the tradition espoused by Rothbard and Armentano has deep historial roots.

Page 212: Footnote 39: "Harold Demetz" should be "Demsetz"

Page 213: Footnote 51: production

Kirzner asserts, but offers no argument to prove, that juice pro-uction would be more lucrative than orange sales, ibid., p. 110.

Page 221: Footnote 8: Mass.

(Cambridge, Mass,: Harvard University, 1971).

Page 238: par. 1: viewpoints

Assessment of this worry requires a careful distinction of veiwpoints.

Page 242: Footnote 1: "On Freedom and Free Entreprise" should be "Enterprise"

Page 244: Footnote 14: Missing closing quotation mark

For further citations and fuller discussion, see my “What Are Banks? in the Atlantic Economic Journal 6 (December 1978): 1-14.

Page 257: Index: Mises

Balance of payments, 227, 234; Mise on, 247-255

Page 257: Index: Bohm-Bawerk should have an 'ö'


Needs better Mises picture.


Should I add in hyphenation? non-, anti-, pre-, post-, under-, over-, -like, super-, supra-, inter-, -wide, multi-

Sunday, October 27, 2013

While You Slept by John T. Flynn

Status: One Round of QC (10.27.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 34: par. 0: Committee

[...] questions of inter-office relations referred to it by the Secretary, Under Secretary and Secretary’s Staff Committe or initiated by the members” [...]


Page 134: Shows a subchapter "I", but there is no more subchapters. I removed this.

Changed References chapter to footnotes at the bottom of each chapter.

The Roots of Capitalism by John Chamberlain

Status: One Round of QC (10.27.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 31: bottom par.: missing closing quotation

Hobbes considered that the Leviathan “must have the power to overrule the individual judgment of men on all issues, whether of property or anything else. He was a totalitarian in all save one very English thing: he

Page 38: par. 0: interference

The whole realm of governmental intereference with economic matters—whether it concerns the fixing of prices, or the “planning” of industry, or the seizure of one man’s substance

Page 133: par. 2: multiple

This ingredient was supplied by Frederick W. Taylor, the apostle of “scientific management,” who thought of the worker himself as a “mutiple purpose” machine tool whose motions in any given sequence could be studied and simplified [...]

Page 150: par. 0: Charta (to match the rest of the usage throughout the book)

[...] Court decision in the U.S. Steel case—go back a long way in the life of English-speaking communities—all the way, in fact, to the provision in Magna Carta (1215) that merchants should have the right “to move about as well by land as by water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs, quit from all evil tolls.”

Page 174: par. 1: manufacturer

But beyond this, the tire maunfacturer, like the automobile manufacturer, must set his price at a point which will keep a high-capacity plant operating somewhere near its peak.

Page 217: Index: "Leon Blum" is missing the accent. Fixed to "Léon Blum"

Page 218: Index: "de Jouvenal, Bertrand" is wrongly spelled. Fixed to "de Jouvenel, Bertrand"


Page 83: par. 0: worldly (?)

During the week of Waterloo, he followed his wordly instincts and took a strong “bull” position.

Page 163+: "Chevvy" should be "Chevy" (?)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Economics of Alfred Marshall by Herbert J. Davenport

Status: One Round of QC (10.26.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 2 of the PDF ("Also Published in"): "By Herert J. Davenport" should be "Herbert"

Page 12: bottom par.: admissible

What discomfort or grief is in this? Displaced money gains are plainly not admissable in this [...]

Page 142: par. 1: permissible

No shading-off, by degrees of time, from price-determined to price-determining is permissable to distinguish cause-relations from result-relations—on the hither side of a point of time, a cause; on the farther side, a result.

Page 164: par. 1: connotative

[...] his occasional notion of real value as an exchange relation satisfactory to the trader (p. 137); and of real value as connotive of real costs, (p. 632), or of merit (p. 205) [...]

Page 213: par. 1 (punctuation right before par. 2): Accidental comma instead of period

Items of evidence may support the substantive fact; they cannot replace it,

Page 217: bottom par.: efficiencies

There are no utilities or efficencies at large. All producing and consuming is individual. All price offers

Page 223: footnote: enterpriser

Any interpriser can have all of any one for which he wants to pay. But what of the past or the future, or the whence, or the whither?

Page 325: second to last par.: ineffective

Notice the normals; and also that only two pages back training outlays were reported to be almost entirely absent or inffective with business ability.

Page 296: par. 2 (near very bottom of page): representative

The different conditions, producers inclusive, in the different fields of production get summed up in the situation of the respective respresentative producers.

Page 345: Footnote "Skilled labor": It is missing the "p." for page number in parenthesis.
Page 345: Footnote "Wages": It is missing a parenthesis right before the page number.

Page 353: par. 3: missing left double quotation mark

In a stationary state alone . . . the term normal always means the same thing: there, but only there, “average price” and normal price” are convertible terms. (pp. 371-72)

Page 364: par. 1 (end of first blockquote): Ending right double quotation is not needed, does not match the rest of the usage throughout the book.

[...] the price the expectation of which will just suffice to maintain the existing aggregate amount of production. . . .” (pp. 342–43)

Page 368: very last word on page: millennium

But, differing only in degree, any time or period, month, year or milleni-um, becomes by these mathematical procedures a normal period.


Page 30: I split some of these paragraphs into blockquotes.
Page 105-106: Bottom par.-next page: I broke this large quotation into a blockquote.
Page 135: footnote: I split some of these so I could implement blockquotes.
Page 158: par. 0: I split into blockquote.
Page 268: footnote: I split some of these so I could implement blockquotes.
Index: "Neoclassical" should be "Neo-classical" (matches the rest of usage throughout the book).

I made all blockquote begin with no indentation.
"Böhm-Bawerk" occurted once, while "Boehm-Bawerk" occurred 5 times. I decided to change them all to "Böhm-Bawerk"


Page 200: par. 1: How should this wrongfully place sentence go?

[...] relations of cause and effect —turning on tests of right purposes in achieving beneficent outcomes—ethical distinctions made controlling for scientific classifica-land belong, not in the land-capital category, but go along instead with the quasi-rent classification of productive factors, we arrive tions, a line of distinction not rare among economists.

Page 245: par. 0: cultivator. I did a search on Google and found 15 results, could be a bad misspelling, or could be a gardening tool. (????)

Nor with the owning culvitator is the growing of oats a thing to be considered.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Economics of Enterprise by Herbert J. Davenport

Status: One Round of QC (10.21.2013)


This EPUB was requested by hobochangba

Fix Notes:

Page 14: par. 1: intellectual

And in the main, also, as has already been suggested, these modifications are of the intellectural rather than the physical type; and especially is this the case for such modifications as are advantageous.

Page 132: par. 0: entrepreneur

But any of these pieces of property the enterpreneur may hire or buy: and the outlays therefore rank then as one more item of cost within his aggregate of costs.

Page 203: par. 1: suburban

Developing urban and surburban transportation have, then, been effective to extend the city over a much wider area, greatly limiting the rise of rents upon inside residence sites and greatly enhancing the rental values of outside properties.

Page 237: par. 1: dictate

Each man would then, as his necessities should dicate, be employing not one medium, but various different media of exchange, as intermediate between his original wares for sale

Page 268: par. 1: maximum

So what one will at the outside pay for food or shelter or clothing is a maximum which is valid solely by virtue of the fact that other things can be had at prices far below the maxmium which each taken separately might command.

Page 301: par. 3: comma should be period

Money complicates the problem, — But, after all, the fact that there is a money intermediate has something to do with the problem.

Page 321: par. 2: according

In the United States, accordimg to the government report of August 1, 1912, 47 per cent of a total circulation of 3277 millions of dollars, was gold either as coin or as gold certificates.

Page 443: bottom par.: proportions

[...] but that always the discussion has limited itself to the porportions in which labor, or machinery, or wage outlays, as particular expense or as aggregate expense, are applied to land [...]

Page 444: bottom par.: merely

It has also been shown that the recognition of this broad and general Law of Proportions not nerely compels the abandonment of the distinction between land and capital, but compels also [...]

Page 447: very last sentence: distinction

The very impossibility of making precise destinction between what is technological and what is not, must somewhat discredit the distinction as a basis of classification.

Page 458: last sentence: instruments

If, then, classification be made to depend on technological relations, and only that be called land which competes with land, and only those intruments called capital, as distinguished from land, that are complementary to land and that tend to make land relatively scarce, no one can now know, or is certain ever to know, whether to call a freight car land or capital.

Page 463: par. 1: monopoly

Monopoly and cost. — The necessities of the present analysis compel immediate reference to reasonings belonging in strictness to monoply theory:

Page 468: par. 1: emergency

With falling rates of interest, also, this balance of gain from emergencey plants becomes doubtless somewhat more marked.

Page 522: par. 1: importance

The land rent problem is not a problem of diminishing inportance, but of enormously increasing importance — all on the urban side.

Page 530: par. 0: consumers

[...] that land rents have no part with other costs in fixing the prices that com-sumers must pay; and that since these lands harmlessly earn their rents, the rents from them may rightly go to private owners.

Page 535: Index: "Boehm-Bawerk, Eugen v." should be "Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen v."


Throughout the book, it flip flops between normal sized text and very small text... can you make sense out of the reasoning? I did not add the smaller text to the EPUB. (There are MANY more pages than this):

Page 143-144
Page 153
Page 291
Page 298
Page 380
Page 401
Page 474-476

Throughout the book, there are also many odd margin spacings between paragraphs. I added all the weird spacings into the EPUB. (There are MANY more pages than this):

Page 532

I am not too sure on the indentation in the Index.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Economic Freedom and Interventionism by Ludwig von Mises

Status: One Round of QC (10.19.2013)


This EPUB was requested by SmilingDave.

I based the conversion on both the HTML and PDF OLL version here:


Added the Index + some front matter to better match the PDF.
Added indentation to match the original PDF.
Added the "leaf" fleuron in two sections. I left it out of each of the 4 Parts though.
Added footnotes to the end of each chapter.
Some code tweaks.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Freedom, Society and the State by David Osterfeld

Status: One Round of QC (10.18.2013)


I spent a nice chunk of time recreating the images digitally using Inkscape (hopefully my skills with this get better and better the more I do them). Here are comparison screenshots:

Page 4:


Page 35:


Page 96:


Page 97:


Page 103:


Page 104:


Page 261:


Page 262:


Fix Notes:

Page xii: par. 0: contemporary

Addressing himself directly to these misperceptions, David Osterfeld throws a great deal of light upon the topic of human freedom in comtemporary times.

Page 1: par. 1 (right below Chapter 1): anarcho-capitalists

Because the anarchists propose that a definite economic institution, the market, replace the political institution of government, they have been variously referred to as "free market anarchists," "anarco-capital-ists," and "individualist anarchists."

Page 2: par. 0: political

And, while acknowledging "Stirner’s complete rejection of all polictical, moral, and traditional ties of the individual," [...]

Page 3: par. 0: American

And the American anarchist, Benjamin Tucker, contended that there were "two schools of Socialistic thought,” the State Socialism of Karl Marx and the Anarchism of Proudhon and the Amnerican Josiah Warren.

Page 3: par. 0: minarchists

[...] and the twentieth century followers of classical liberalism, the minarachists, have followed their mentors in rejecting anarchism.

Page 5: par. 2: government

All money spent by governemnt is useless, says Kropotkin, since there is a definite relationship between crime and poverty.

Page 7: very end of page: anarcho-collectivism

Once this plateau of plenty is reached, the structures of anarcho-communism and anarch-co11ectivism [...]

Page 9: bottom par.: syndicalism

Not only would sydicalism have to make entrepreneurial decisions, just as is done under capitalism, but one must question whether "workers’ control" is even possible.

Page 10: bottom par.: between

The three cornerstones of Proudhon’s ideal society are contract, exchange, and property. The state is to be abolished and all relations betwen individuals and collectives are to be handled by contract.

Page 16: par. 2: monopolies

The way to eliminate these monoplies is "by subjecting capital to the natural law of competition, thus bringing the price of its use down to cost."

Page 19: bottom par.: government

While Hospers feels that statutory law, and thus a governemnt, is necessary to insure a rule of law, [...]

Page 26: below section e: minarchism

The objectivists, headed by Ayn Rand, may be viewed as a variant of minarachism.

Page 28: par. 1: Government

"Mr. Smith, a customer of Goverment A, suspects that his...neighbor, Mr. Jones, a customer of Government B, has robbed him,"

Page 30: par. 0: miniscule

Of this problem, Mises can merely hope that the majority will exercise such self-restraint that government will remain miniscle.

Page 37: bottom par.: spectrums

Moreover, the place of the individualist anarchists in both the economic and the political sepctrums has been pointed out, and the initial groundwork has been laid for the study of individualist anarchism.

Page 41: Footnote 43: Encyclopedia

Enclyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Page 47: near bottom of page: opinion + theoretical

[...] for the maintenance of order in their communities, on the force of public opinion, this introduces the possibility of the "tyranny of public opinon" in anarchist as well as democratic societies. Thus, "authoritarian-anarchism” is at least a theorectical possibility.

Page 52: bottom par.: democracy

[...] a tyrant, a group of individuals--an oligarchy, or a majority--a democaracy, such "human rights" as those of freedom of speech, [...]

Page 56: par. 0: ownership

Second, it is argued that "It is physically impossible for everyone to keep continual tabs on everyone else and thereby to exercise his equal quotal share of partial ownerhsip over every other man.

Page 70: Footnote 27: Sennholz

On Freedom and Free Enterprise, ed. Mary Senholz (Princeton: Van Nostrand, 1965), pp. 225-35.

Page 70: Footnote 28: Epistemological

For a fuller presentation of this position see my "Reflections on the Substantive and Epitemological Aspects of the Rothbardian Natural Rights Ethic," [...]

Page 83: par. 0: surprising

[..] latter is the embodiment of violence while the former entails voluntary and peaceful exchange of goods, it should not be suprising that the political means gain at the expense of the economic.

Page 84: par. 2: mighty + government

For if a judicial decree of ’unconstitutional’ is a mightly check to government power, an implicit or explicit verdict of ’constitutional’ is a mighty weapon in fostering public acceptance of ever-greater goevernment power."

Page 86: bottom par.: enthusiasm

For wars, at least our modern "democratic" wars which depend for their success on mass support and enthusiam, are invariably presented in terms of a struggle for righteous and humanitarian goals.

Page 88: par. 0: important

[...] have several imporant consequences. First, in an effort to stimulate production, price controls for the factors of production will also have to be imposed.

Page 90: par. 1: psychologically

But as Rousseau recognized, and a plethora of sociologists of whom Emile Durkheim was only the most famous have confirmed, man is simply not equipped, psyhologically, to live in such an atomized and uncertain environment.

Page 92: par. 2: libertarianism

While this analysis of contemporary society is profound, as a criticism of libertairianism it is based on a misunderstanding.

Page 97: below Figure 2: concentrated

While they are useful for analytical purposes there are few if any "elitists” who believe that power is concentrationed in the hands of a single person or even a few individuals; similarly, there are few if any "pluralists” who claim that power is infinitely diffused throughout society.

Page 98: right above blockquote: sociologist

[...] wrote Italian political sociolo-ist Gaetano Mosca,

Page 103: below figure 4: electorate

In fact, what is most interesting is that the better informed the electroate, the greater the incentive for collusion.

Page 105: par. 2: responsive

This too is a comforting theory. Government is reponsive to the public, this time not as expressed through political parties but through interest groups.(56)

Page 112: Footnote 35: eliminating

The individual desires to relieve this stress by eliminat-ting the conflict between his actions and his beliefs.

Page 117: par. 2: Luxemburg

The competing Marxist theory propounded by Rosa Luxemberg argues that since the capitalist mode of production is predicated upon the exploitation of the workers by the capitalists, [...]

Page 124: par. 3: justification

But, continues Flynn, it will probably not be possible to maintain this heavy military spending without public support and that, in turn, requires a justifica-cation for the spending.

Page 125: par. 2: commercial

One important consequence of this according to John Hagel is that "commerical activity abroad will therefore be increasingly supplemented by long-term investment in producing facilities

Page 126: par. 1: further

But the government guarantee of foreign investment in turn serves to encourage still futher investment abroad, which therefore intensifies the demand on government for still more guarantees.

Page 126: bottom par.: information

Inflation short-circuits, as it were, the informa-mation flow of the price mechanism and leads the entrepreneurs to grossly overestimate the actual demand for their products.

Page 127: par. 2: Footnote "20" should be 29.

Page 128: par. 1: international

For the short-run reason of lifting the country out of the depression and for the long-run reason of preserving and promoting an internatonal economic order conducive [...]

Page 128: par. 1: promises

[...] despite its promies of abundance, necessitates great personal and financial sacrifices, [...]

Page 128: par. 1: elsewhere

[...] or adventure on the heroic model touching deeply the springs of chauvinistic pride, interest and feeling," or, he says elsewere, [...]

Page 128: par. 2: international

For the short-run reason of lifting the country out of the depression and for the long-run reason of preserving and promoting an internaitonal economic order conducive to American dominance,

Page 129: par. 2: necessary

Roosevelt justified his Pacific policy by claiming that his actions were necesssary to preserve peace. The anarchist’s view [...]

Page 131: bottom par.: throughout

But this, in itself, does not prove that it is imperialistic, i.e., that U.S. foreign policy has been designed to promote and protect American corporate interests thoughout the world.

Page 132: blockquote: political

It rather conclusively shows that genuine security fears; ideological anticommunism; expansionist idealism; or other policical, strategic, or psychological factors have been at the roots of the United States postwar policies including interventionist. . . behavior.

Page 136: bottom par.: themselves + military

If the interventionist country were militarily strong, or at least stronger than its neighbors, war or imperialism could well present themsleves as solutions to both of these problems. If the foregoing is correct then one would expect to find that, assuming approximately equal miliatary power, the more rigidly controlled the economy the more

Page 137: par. 0: dismantling

On the other hand, such policies as the systematic economic rape of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union, including the dislman-tling of entire factories and their transfer to Russia, certainly suggests that it is imperialistic.

Page 138: par. 1: This

Ths distinction is unfounded.

Page 138: par. 1: Singapore

Countries such as Singpore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and Brazil have all become major exporters of electronic equipment such as TVs and radios.

Page 138: par. 2: manufacturing

This would depend upon such factors as what resources a country needed but had to import, what manufacturing industries it possesses and the relative mixture of resource extraction and manaufacturing.

Page 139: par. 1 (near halfway): This

Ths last option is logical only on the assumption that it was Roosevelt’s intention to get America into the war.

Page 139: par. 1 (near bottom page): possibility

Another explanation is that Roosevelt sincerely believed that the total destruction of Western civilization was a distinct possiblity in the absence of American intervention against Nazi Germany.

Page 140: par. 1: while

Thus, whlie one cannot dismiss the possibility that at least some wars have been caused primarily by the attempts of political [...]

Page 140: bottom par.: political

[...] he was still a fairly obscure leader of a minor politcal party.

Page 143: Footnote 10: University

(Athens, Ohio: Univeristy of Ohio Press, 1974);

Page 154: par. 1: philosophy

What Plato desired was the replacement of the "opinions" of politics by the "truth" of philosphy.

Page 168: par. 0: ignorance

With a view of securing such freedom among its members it is as certainly within the province of the State to prevent children from growing up in that kind of ignornance which practically excludes them from a career in life, as it is within its province to require the sort of buildings and drainage necessary for public health.

Page 172: Footnote 8: "Jean-Jacque Rousseau" needs to be "Jean-Jacques Rousseau"

Page 174: Footnote 32 doesn't exist.

Page 174: Footnote 39: utilitarianism

For a brilliant critique of utilitariansim from a slightly different angle

Page 182: par. 1: sovereignty

Hence, the soveriegnty of the individual required the complete individualization of society which, in turn, implied that every individual bear the cost of his own actions. As Warren put it:

Page 185: par. 2: burden

Cost being the limit of price would put a stop to all fluctuations in prices and in trade, . . . compel every one to produce as much as he consumed, would distribute the burthern of labor among all, and reduce the [...]

Page 187: bottom par.: uncertainty

The "cost" of any loan transaction, however, would include all sacrifice or burden endured by the lender, including that of uncertainity or risk.

Page 190: par. 0: exchange

As Heywood remarked, "since money is the common measure of products, and exhange must be made in the accepted currency, [...]

Page 193: par. 1: acquisition

Since the notes would be non-interest-bearing, they would be redeemable only in products, and, hence, the only reason any individual would have for joining the bank would be to facilitate the acquisiton of money.

Page 196: par. 1: equivalent

If, then, land titles were based on the principles of equity, viz., the exchange of labor for an equival-lent amount of labor, ownership could not extend beyond actual occupancy and rent would be eliminated.

Page 203: par. 1: obligation

Consequently, man has no legal obli-igation to others except that which he voluntarily contracts to accept.

Page 207: bottom par.: applicability

[...] will be submitted to juries which will judge not only the facts, but the justice of the law, its applicabiliity to the given circumstances, and the penalty or damage to be inflicted because of its infraction ."

Page 208: bottom par.: competition

Patents, copyrights, and tariffs restricted or eliminated competiton in the areas of their application, thereby [...]

Page 209: par. 1: themselves

Under the influence of free competition, he said, "it will make no difference whether men work for themsleves, are employed or employ others.

Page 213: Footnote 1: Intellectual

"The Intellectural and Political Roots of the Older Austrian School,"

Page 217: Footnote 42: "Vo. V" should be "Vol. V"

Page 217: Footnote 48: "Wiliam Reichert" should be "William Reichert"

Page 220: Footnote 90: specifically

For a good article dealing specificially with the journal Liberty see Carl Watner,

Page 221: par. 1: paradigm

The individualist anarchist paradign is a synthesis of philosophical anarchism with modern economics.

Page 223: par. 1: priorities

There are three problems of coordination that must be solved in any socio-economic system: [1] the problem of priortities, i.e., [...]

Page 227: bottom par.: acquiescence

But in such a society voluntary acquiesence is highly improbable.

Page 232: par. 1: political

[...] I believe, the path taken by such poltical scientists as Robert Dahl, [...]

Page 232: par. 3: Lasswell

But if the Dahl-Lawwell-Kaplan approach is followed power is clearly not ubiquitous.

Page 237: par. 1: situation

The siutuation is identical for acts of private discrimination.

Page 243: below section c: official

Approximately 12 percent of the population of the United States have, according to offical statistics, incomes below the poverty line.

Page 247: par. 5: productivity

The root of the problem, therefore, is not the low productivitiy of the unskilled worker.

Page 248: par. 1: eliminate

But the effect of such regulations as the minimum wage and licensing restrictions is to eliminiate just those jobs

Page 249: par. 2: slumlord

This is unfortunate but not only is he not responsible for this condition, the slumloard, regardless of his motives, helps the poor make the best of their bad situation.

Page 249: par. 3: disappeared

Consider what would happen, Block asks, if slums and slumlords suddenly disapeared.

Page 251: par. 0: entrance

But if the monopolist would then try to recoup his losses after such a purchase by raising prices, he would only encourage the entrace of new competitors, thus necessitating the "buying out” process all over again.

Page 253: par. 0: political

[...] desire to represent the views of the community, the signals conveyed to the politcal leaders will almost invariable depart from the actual state of demand by the community.

Page 255: par. 1: money

It then becomes clear that this moeny did not represent additional saving but only the illusion of additional saving.

Page 257: par. 1: stabilize

According to the proponents of contra-cycl1ca1 policies, government is supposed to stablilize the economy by reducing taxes and increasing expenditures in times of economic downturns in order to increase aggregate spending and thus stimulate the economy.

Page 261: par. 2: skyscraper

Since Larry has a large family and a risky occupation, being a window washer on a skyscrapper, he desires considerable coverage.

Page 262: right below Figure 2: preferred

[...] the election, his perferred position was adopted.

Page 263: bottom par.: anarchists

With this in mind we can now examine the specifics of the anarachists paradigm.

Page 266: Footnote 24: "Laswell" should be "Lasswell"

Page 266: Footnote 25: Kalleburg

As Kallenburg makes clear, the two techniques are not inherently mutually exclusive but may at times be complementary.

Page 269: Footnote 57: Armentano

Also see D. T. Armantano, The Myths of Antitrust

Page 270: Footnote 61: Sennholz

Page 270: Footnote 65: "American's Great Depression" should be "America's Great Depression"

Page 277: blockquote: competition

The competi-tition between owners along each of these passages will tend to keep the price down.

Page 279: par. 0: downtown

[...] safe roads into and throughout the dowtown area.

Page 283: par. 1: There is two Footnote "18"s. I changed the second one to 19.

Page 284: par. 2: absence

But in the absense of compulsory state education these controversies would disappear, for a wide variety of educational alternatives would present themselves on the free market.

Page 287: par. 2: unreliable

Thus, an un-realiable testing agency would soon face bankruptcy.

Page 288: par. 0: probability

[...] probablility of better overall results for children under the free educational system seems clear.

Page 289: par. 2: furnish

Further, they believe that a private voluntary educational system would be able to funish high quality education at a lower cost than any alternat1ve.

Page 292: bottom par.: situation

While such reforms might prove successful in the very short run, the belief that such a stituation can be maintained is akin to believing that water can run uphill.

Page 309: par. 2: exclude

On the contrary it is that the supplier may be in a position to exlude would-be users by charging a fee well in excess of marginal costs.

Page 311: bottom par.: Company

Company A would make it easy for its subscribers to call the subscribers of Company B, and Company B would do the same for the subscribers to Comapny A -- [...]

Page 314: par. 1: paradigm

In short, up to this point the libertarian pradigm must be pronounced sound.

Page 315: Footnote 2: "Public Services Under Laiseez Faire" should be "Public Services Under Laissez Faire"

Page 316: very end of Footnote 37: Stanford

(Stanford: Standford University Press, 1961).

Page 317: near end of Footnote 38: "Drug Prohibiton" should be "Drug Prohibition"

Page 326: bottom par.: legislation

But if law need not be a command from above, i.e., either enacted by a legistature or imposed by a king, how did it emerge and, more importantly, acquire validity for the members of the society?

Page 327: par. 2: significance

Whatever the relation between custom and legislation in ancient Roman law, there can be little doubt as the relatively greater signficance of custom in the English common law.

Page 328: par. 1: decision

Since a judge’s decision was immediately binding only on the parties to a dispute, and since a single maverick decison would have little impact on the body of the law, a single judge was helpless to change the law.

Page 332: par. 1: flexibility

It is probably impossible to say precisely what is the "best" mix of stability and flexibilty.

Page 335: bottom par.: axiom + incompatible

The anarchist replied that the natural rights minarchist was himself in a contradiction since the libertarian ”non-aggression axion" was, strictly speaking, imcompatible with government. Probably both are right: the anarchist because government is inconceivable without at least some initiated coercion; and the minarchist because there is little doubt that the common law would ever become the complete exemplification of pure libertarianism.

Page 338: end of blockquote: more enforcement

Thus, a substantial move toward standardization would occur in the treatment of crimes of violence and infractions of commercial codes, while diversity would persist in the demand for mores-enforcement.

Page 339: par. 1 (near middle of page): building

This law would be binding only on the parties directly concerned and would last only as long as the individual remained a tenant in that buiding.

Page 343: bottom par.: difficulty

There would be no diffculty if both courts reached the same decision.

Page 346: bottom par.: unreliable

The anarchists believe that this would be unlikely since, argue the Tannehills, such a man would be very unrealiable and other businessmen would, out of their own self-interest, cease doing business with him.

Page 350: par. 0: Friedman

[...] be suicidal," Freidman says, for "unless they maintained a reputation for honesty, they would have no customers [...]

Page 351: par. 2: philosopher

But philospher John Hospers argues that the agency could also use its dominant position to victimize rather than to protect "its" clients.

Page 351: bottom par.: irresistible

But if the advantages of being a client of the dominant agency are so irresistable, and if, as Nozick comments, "economies of scale" are positively correlated with increased size, the "the protection agency of optimal size will include the whole world."

Page 352: par. 1: Footnote "60" should be 66.

Page 353: below section 23: dominance

Another criticism is that there would be nothing to prevent an agency from using force to conquer or absorb weaker agencies until it attained a position of unchallenged domiance, which it could then use to exploit its subjects. In contrast to the previous objection, the Mafia Agency would achieve its domiance through aggression rather than economic competition.

Page 354: par. 1: anarchist

If an agency initiated violence against individuals who were not its customers, continues the anarachist scenario, it would be forced to deal with their defense agencies.

Page 355: bottom par.: situation

The possibility of collusion among several agencies would not alter the situtation.

Page 360: par. 1: governments

There have always been groups of people in human society who have been inadequately protected by their governemnts.

Page 360: par. 1: adequate

Few can contend that American blacks or Russian Jews receive adquate protection from their governments.

Page 361: par. 1: generally

Once the label "public" is attached to a good or service it is genrally assumed that only the government can supply it.

Page 361: bottom par.: rehabilitation

There are four basic paradigms of punishment: rehabilitiation, deterrence, retribution, and restitution.

Page 367: par. 0: rehabilitation

[...] market principles to the problem of aggression provides a built-in rehabilitiation system.

Page 369: par. 1: indiscriminate

These weapons are ipso facto engines of indiscrimini-nate mass destruction [...]

Page 370: bottom par.: necessary

"No army could grow beyond what the market would support, and the market would never support an army larger than was actually necessry for defense, because force is a non-productive expenditure of energy."

Page 372: par. 1: psychological

More importantly, the increasing use of repression and violence against individuals who were clearly innocent and nonviolent could provoke a moral and pscyhological disorientation among the invader’s soldiers charged with carrying out the repressions against the civilian population.

Page 372: par. 1: casualties

And the fact that all of the casualities would be suffered by the civilian population would no doubt take a heavy psychological toll on the members of the civilian defense.

Page 386: bottom par.: externalities

[...] does not believe that it can function effectively in the area of "collective goods" and "externalitites" and concludes that the state is necessary to supply these types of goods and to coordinate policy in this area.

Page 387: par. 1: believes

[...] the anarchist argument will not be persuasive. Similarly, if one belives that certain goods are "inherently collective," rather than simply "legally collective," then the anarchist argument will likewise not be convincing.

Page 389: bottom par.: charities

But then it should also be pointed out that charitites currently collect billions of dollars each year, and there is no reason to believe that this figure would be lower in a taxless society.

Page 390: right before list: possibilities

This creates four possiblities:

Page 391: under section f: proposition

But the position of the natural rights anarchist hinges on the pro-positon that, given his moral principles, government is, ipso facto, morally unjustifiable.


Page 17-18 in the text is missing Footnote 59. I disabled Footnote 59 in the footnote section.

Page 160: Footnote 32 is disabled, because it does not exist in the footnote section.

PDF Pages out of order

PDF Page 255-258 (233-236) should be moved.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Political Economy of Juan de Mariana by John S.J. Laures

Status: One Round of QC (10.14.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 7: par. 0: according

All copies not expurgated were put on the Spanish Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgandorum, and almost all surviving copies have been expurgated acccording to the decrees of 1632 or 1640.

Page 34: par. 0: political

Hence, men would have needed a poltical society, even if they never had lost primitive innocence ; but the State would then have had no coërcive power because there would have been no need of coërcive power.

Page 189: par. 2: terminology

Today we speak of criteria, principles and canons of taxation, although we have not succeeded in establishing uniformity of terminoolgy, much less of opinion.

Page 310: Bibliography, under "Gonzalez de la Calle, P. U": "Ideas politico-morales del P. Juan de Mariana." should be "Ideas político-morales del P. Juan de Mariana"

Page 316: Index: "Duplessis-Mournay" should be "Duplessis-Mornay"


I will remove the very beginning of the EPUB (Title of book + Fordham University Press), and replace it with our Cover.


Page 57: This sentence is in here accidentally.... should I just remove completely?

If the king should unjustly take the property of one of his subjects, a court of law might bound to make restitution, but it cannot compel him to ac-very correctly declare that he has acted unjustly and is cept such a decision.

Page 176: Footnote 2 is at the bottom of the page, but is nowhere in the text... where should it be placed?

(I temporarily placed it after: "This, however, is not a real tax but a payment with reference to an individual benefit.") (This is "footnote 14" in the EPUB).

Page 190: very last sentence of page: brethren (?)

Mariana, we have seen, is more extreme than are his bretheren in religion, who attribute to the king supreme power in so far [...]

Page 297-Page 298: Page 297 ends in a period, and page 298 begins with a no indent + a lowercase letter... should there have been a comma? Or perhaps 298 should start with a capital letter?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Towards a Theoretical Framework for British and International Economic History by Sudha Raghunath Shenoy

Status: WIP (10.11.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 68: Footnote 19: Ludwig

19. Lugwig von Mises, Socialism (London: Cape 1950), pp. 295-97. Mutuality, authority: p. 296. “Living organism”, “lifeless machinery”, p. 295. Army unit, horse and cart: p. 295.

Page 70: Footnote 78: Missing closing period.

Page 77: par. 1: Footnote 22 is accidentally in the text as "28"

Page 82: Footnote 60 is on the page twice. The second Footnote 60 towards the bottom of the page should be 61.

Page 97: Footnote 2: Constitution

J.G.A. Pocock, The Ancient Consitution and the Feudal Law [...]

Page 97: Footnote 3, third paragraph in blockquote: comparison

And this Customary Law is the most perfect and most excellent, and without comparision the best, [...]

Page 97: Footnote 3, third paragraph in blockquote: inconvenient

[...] during all which time there did thereby arise no inconvenience: for if it had been found invonvenient at any time, it had been used no longer, but had been interrupted, and consequently it had lost the virtue and force of a Law.”

Page 98: Footnote 8: nascitur

[...] which is to be understood of an artificiall perfection of reason, gotten by long study, observation, and experience, and not of every man’s naturall reason; for Nemo nasci-tar artifex.

Page 101: Footnote 44: Missing comma after "History of the Common Law"

Page 102-3: Footnotes 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64: Missing opening quote + ellipsis + closing quotation (to match the look of the others)

Page 103: Footnote 83: "pp. 97, 82." -> "pp. 82, 97."

Page 114: par. 1: Inner quotes should become single quotation marks:

The latter are the “innumerable efforts “of economising individuals ’’pursuing individual interests.”

Page 136: par. 4, right before Footnote 78: Missing ”

The second of these strands is a capability of “being brought into a causal connection” with a human need; the third strand is “human knowledge of this... connection.78

Page 139-141: Footnotes in Chapter 3: They all seem to be missing the period in page numbers:

"p 14" "pp 79-80" "p 80"

Page 145: par. 0: up to

[...]upto 1913. For the first time, he was forced to take liberalism seriously. Mises says it was “further study of economics” that led him to abandon his previous political stance.5

Page 147: second blockquote on the page: aprioristic (fits with the usage in the rest of the book).

“The goal of my analysis is ... to distinguish a prioristic science from history ... and to demonstrate the absurdity of the endeavours of the Historical and Institutionalist Schools to reconcile the logically incompatible.”11

Page 159: last par.: pre-existing

Thus the “historical fact” is that a functioning market order first appeared in the course of history and it was in analysing this pre-exiting historical phenomenon that there developed the systematic study of human action — the discipline of praxeology.

Page 167: Footnote 72 should be Footnote 73.

Page 171: second from the bottom: should be changed to right double quote

Mises reiterates that “action “ means only that “the performer believes.. .the means.. .will produce the desired effect.”

Page 176: There is no Footnote 104 (jumps from 103 to 105 at the bottom of the page).

Page 182: par. 0 last sentence: anti-Property

It will be noted that Mises here adopts the Burkean standard — vide Burke’s observations on the anti-Popery laws 129.

Page 221: Footnote 10: "pp. x111" -> "pp. xiii"

“The purpose...”: Epistemological..., pp. x111-xiv. “the untenability...”; scarcity only in a money economy: p. 7. Marginal utility theory only for a free economy: p. 95.

Page 224: Footnote 79: Ultimate

Ulimate, p. 50;

Page 226: Footnote 125: There is accidentally a '>' at the end of the footnote.

Page 226: Footnote 136: Missing a page number in Human Action.

Page 234: par. 2: utilitarian

Hayek made one criticism of Mises on a number of occasions: that he was a rationalist utiliarian, who pushed the “a priori character of economic theory” too far.

Page 238: par. 2: multi-period

Did Hayek work first with the notion of the average period of production and then abandon it for a multiperiod theory?

Page 287: par. 0: jumps from subsection (? not too sure on the term) "iv." to "vi.". Changed to "v."

Therefore, it is iv. instrumental, enabling unknown people to achieve their ends and hence vi. limited in scope.

Page 297: par. 1: patterns

He describes the social sciences as “empirically deductive” — since we obtain the general pattens of social phenomena by drawing out all the implications of people’s actions in the abstract.

Page 306: Footnote 18, subsetion "vi.": Hayek

“Addendum: the early Haye-Keynes correspondence”,

Page 307: par. 0, subsetion "xiv.": progress

Technical progess and excess capacity

Page 314: par. 172: Economic

National Policy for Ecmomic Welfare

Page 330: subsection "v." (bottom half of page): happened

We cannot aim at such an outcome; only after it occurs can we see that this is what happended.

Page 357: par. 3: higher

In Boston in 1547 and in Chester in 1561, beer was significantly cheaper than ale: the best ale cost 15 percent more than the best beer; which also had more strength, while the price of ordinary ale was 50 percent highter than that of single beer.

Page 399: Footnote 64: pp.

Some specific points only: disappearance of old types: ppp. 28-33,39, 42-43; new types that failed:

Page 401: footnote 99: et al

Cunnington, “Costume” in Edwards et cal, [...]

Page ~460, ~519: Missing period after "Vol"

Page 488: par. 1, right before 24: Missing ”

[...] Clay distinguishes such grants from monopolies of “goods in general use” — these monopolies were only a means of raising revenues; they “provided no.. .stimulus to economic activity24.

Page 528: Bibliography: Serfdom

Hayek, F.A., The Road to Serfodom (1944; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976 paperback ed).

Page 541: "economic centralization", under Hayek, Friedrich August changed to "economic centralisation" (match spelling throughout book).


Page 30, 51, 55, 63, 64, 84, 131, 190, 211, 213, 239, 263, 264, 323: I changed "i.", "ii.", "iii.", ... to the "(i.)" format.

Page 74: "Sir Edward Coke" I changed into a heading.

Page 97+: I added blockquotes to the footnotes.

Page 170: bottom of page: There are two footnote 80s.

Page 166 and 167 both have footnote 72.

Page 225+: "HA" changed to "Human Action"

Page 331: This is the only area with an "A. i.", "B. ii." format.

Changed "etc" to "etc."
Changed "fn" to "fn."
Changed "ch " to "ch. "
Changed "chs " to "chs. "
Changed "Bohm Bawerk" to "Bohm Bawerk"


"neoclassical" used 33 times, "neo-classical" used 12 times.

Page 69 Footnote 65: Should this be "358"?

65. Equilibrium: Socialism., pp. 163, 196; Human Action., pp. 250, 356, 3258, 257-58, 613, 710, 711. Pricing is social: pp. 338, 614, 760, 873. Individual in market: p. 331.

Page 138: par. 2, last sentence: This is missing a period, where should the period be placed?

They learn to me goods of second, third, and higher orders” [italics supplied]83

Page 155: par. 2: should be a left single quote... but should this quotation even be covered in extra single quotes?

Thus Menger explained “social phenomena” as the “’unintended outcome ... not deliberately designed or aimed at by specifically individual endeavours of the members of a society.’”

Page 235: par. 1: presidential (?) (This could be either/or)

Hayek made the above statements some 46 years after he first wrote “Economics and Knowledge” (it was his presential address to the London Economic Club on 10 November 1936; published in Economica, 1937).

Page 236: par. 0: Missing page number, what page belongs here?

[...] taken from Theory and History (p._); Mises says there [I omit a couple of sentences not germane here]:

Page 264: par. 1: Missing page number, what page belongs?

As we shall see (below, p._), Hayek appears to have read and assimilated Ferguson by early 1940, since he refers in “Scientism” to social institutions that are not designed but are the results of human action. In the article on “Planning” (mentioned above), he uses Ferguson’s formulation (at the end of the following passage):

Page 306: Footnote 14: Missing page numbers.

Page 308: Footnote 25: Missing a page number in Human Action.

~Page 360: Keeps swapping from "s." and "sh.". I assume both stand for "shillings". In all the other books I have worked on, this has been condensed to the "s." form.

Page 373: ????

Now with the Oxfordshire and Worcestershire inventories just mentioned, the average value of clothing increased about times in absolute terms between the late sixteenth and the late seventeenth century, though the proportion declined, relative to other consumer goods.

Page 401: Footnote 100: Missing a book name.

Page 460: Footnote 1: Missing year on "John Patten, English Towns 1500-1700"

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Legal Tender: A Study in English and American Monetary History by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge

Status: One Round of QC (10.09.2013)


Stephan Kinsella mentioned a book in his Bitcoin speech he just gave a few days ago:

I based it upon the version here:

Here is the author's Wikipedia page:

Fix Notes:

Page 39: par. 0: gold

The weight of the gold noble was not diminished, but its nominal value was increased from 6s. 8d. to 8s. 4d., and a new goid coin2 was introduced.3

Page 53: par. 1: commodities

Thus, in the earliest period of colonial development, the lack of metallic money was made good by the regulated use of commodoties on which was bestowed the debt-satisfying power at definite rates.

Page 53: Footnote 8: Missing a closing quote

It is interesting to note that this currency was subject to the abuses from which metallic currency has always suffered. Massachusetts found it necessary in 1646 to provide that to be a tender it must be “entire, free from deforming spots, without breaches, and suitably strung.

Page 55: par. 1: seventeenth

But the inadequacy of the supply of coin, together with the unsettled condition of affairs in England in the middle of the seventeeth century, had led Massachusetts to a project bordering on treason, if not actually amounting to it.

Page 86: par. 1: government

that principle of division will not, however, prove satisfactory in treating of the action the federal goverment since organized under the constitution.

Page 153: par. 2: withheld

Under the constitution such power as was believed to be vested in either government was bestowed upon the federal government as distinguished from that of the respective states; and prior to 1862 it was supposed that the power to bestow this quality on bills of credit was witheld from both.

Page 160: Footnote 2: "Annual Encyclopædea" to "Annual Encyclopædia"

Page 165: last par.: misapprehension

This statement is, as we are satisfied, founded in an entire misapre-hension

Page 166: par. 5 (second from bottom): admitted

We cannot consent to this, because if any order or statement was made orally, unless it was reduced to record or is assented to or admited by the counsel for the United States, [...]


Page 35: Two footnote 3s
Page 40: Two footnote 7s
Page 113: Two footnote 1s
Page 140: Two footnote 9s

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Roots of the Social Security Myth by John Attarian

Status: One Round of QC (10.07.2013)


Fix Notes:

page 27: left column 2nd paragraph from the bottom: enforceable

Young people paying into Social Security, he added, "only have a statutory right" that a future Congress might remove, and "we should not tell them that it is insurance, because in the minds of the average American that is . . . an enforcible policy."148

Page 31: right column, par. 2: committed

Moreover, risk is not transferred to the insurer. Under true insurance, the policyholders' premiums essentially buy claims on the insurer, which is com-mited by contract to make good those claims out of its assets.

Page 48: footnote 268: "SSA Publication" should not be italics

268 Social Security Administration, Social Security: Understanding the Benefits, SSA Publication No. 05-10024, January 1996, p. 4.

Page 54: par. 1: penalties

Moreover, there needs to be more flexibility for withdrawing the money before retirement and fewer penalities for doing so.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Mises in America by William H. Peterson

Status: One Round of QC (10.05.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 23: par. 1: left single quote ‘ should be right single quotes ’

So no wonder the “Bring ‘Em On,” neoconned and neo-conning White House worships the demigod of political democracy via our media, textbooks, legislatures, even echoing the 1917

Page 29: par. 2: left single quote ‘ before shortened year should be right single quotes ’

[...] the wise line of IBM founder Thomas J. Watson in the interwar period of the ‘20s and ‘30s, call it the market way of the choosy-choosing sovereign individual.

Page 44: blockquote: left single quote ‘ should be right single quotes ’

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer/The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/Or, to take arms against a sea of troubles/And by opposing end them?

Page 64: Indentation on the blockquote seems all thrown off.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Market Theory and the Price System by Israel M. Kirzner

Status: One Round of QC (10.03.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 12: par. 4: phenomena

Complex market phenemona may then be “understood” by relating them to individual acts of choice.

Page 25: par. 2: decisions

Such an “equilibrium” obviously is quite incomplete; there are still market descisions (outside the “range”) that will be disappointed and will have to be revised.4

Page 74: Footnote 1: arbitrary

Any index of purchasing power must correspond to some such (arbitary) specification.

Page 75: par. 2 (bottom par.): occurred

This additional expenditure would be distributed by the consumer, among the various goods, as if an increase in his income had occured.

Page 147: par. 3: progressively

It is sufficient to notice that the process of division of labor feeds on itself, continually making possible further gains for individuals by progressvely wider and more intricate division of labor.

Page 168: Footnote 1: isoquant

Different points on an insoquant map refer to alternative situations possible at one moment in time. A "movement to the right” means, [...]

Page 213: par. 1: transferred

[...] the revenue they could acquire eventually if they transfered their resources to some other branch of production—exceed the revenue that they currently receive from their output), they will sooner or later alter their actions.

Page 218: par. 1: occurring

Into this situation introduce now a sudden, permanent, unexpected increase, occuring one night in the early part of a month, in the intensity of demand for the product (represented graphically by a shift to the right of the entire market demand curve).

Page 238: par. 3 (bottom par.): participants + initial

Exchange ensued as each of the market particpants sought to convert his intial commodity bundle into the most desirable one obtainable by barter in the market.

Page 241: par. 1: equilibrium

The quantity of each resource that resource owners wish to sell at this equilbrium resource price will exactly equal the quantity that other participants wish to buy at this price for direct consumption.

Page 261: par. 0: throughout

[...]cision in one area of the market to set off intricate and wide ranging ripples of change felt eventually thoughout the market.


I removed the first page of the PDF (Van Nostrand Series in Business Administration and Economics).