Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Historical Setting of the Austrian School of Economics by Ludwig von Mises

Status: Few Rounds of QC (05.22.2013)


Fix Notes:

I decided to just rebuild this one from complete scratch. The book is only 25 pages in the PDF, so it took about two seconds to OCR the thing completely.

I then compared Amnet to mine in order to catch any mistakes I may have missed.


Page 2: par. 3: ex-Dominican (?)

Brentano, the exDominican, inaugurated a line of thought that finally led to Husserl's phenomenology.

Page 4: par. 4: Privat-Seminar

This interest enabled the present writer to organize a PrivatSeminar in the Twenties, to start the Economic Association, and to set up the Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research, that later changed its name to the Austrian Institute for Economic Research.

Page 4: bottom par.: Privat-Seminar should be italics.

The Privat-Seminar had no connection whatever with the University or any other institution.

Page 6: Footnote 4: Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie

Only two chapters, which the author had published before the Anschluss, are preserved: “Böhm-Bawerk und die Brüsseler Zuckerkonvention” and “Böhm-Bawerk und die Konvertierung von Obligationen der einheitlichen Staatsschuld” in Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol. VII and VIII (1936 and 1937).

Page 7: par. 3: neo-positivism + hyper-positivism

We do not have to deal here with the state of affairs as it developed in the age of the neopositivism or hyperpositivism of the twentieth century.

Page 11. par. 0: God-given

[...] convinced that the foremost task of economists was to aid the "people" in the war of liberation they were waging against the "exploiters," and that the Godgiven leaders of the people were the dynasties, especially the Hohenzollern.

Page 12: par. 4: materialist

There was, first of all, radical materalist determinism, a philosophy almost universally accepted in Germany at that time by physicists, chemists, and biologists, although it has never been expressly and clearly formulated.

Page 19: Footnote 1: Missing italics

Cf. Herbert Spencer, The Study of Sociology, 9th edition (London, 1880), p. 217.

Page 21: par. 0: Accidental comma

Today the reaction of statism and socialism is sapping the foundations of Western civilization and well-being,.

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