Friday, November 8, 2013

The Trade of Nations by Michael A. Heilperin

Status: One Round of QC (11.10.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 17: par. 1: relations

It was then discovered, primarily by the ingenious Dr. Schacht, that there were advantages to be derived by an economically strong country when using bilateral trading methods in rela-lations with weaker countries.

Page 110: par. 2: launched

[...] of the “new” economic nationalism, has on other occasions lauched strong attacks, not against the principle of multilateral trade, [...]

Page 194: par. 1: population

From the viewpoint of world trade, the I. L. O. may render great services in checking on the extent to which industrial progress (in terms of increasing productivity) is translated in various countries into rising living standards of the populaton; in that way it may help to forestall the undesirable competition of cheap labor working with efficient means of production.

Page 198: par. 2: according

This seems to rule out the “beggar-my-neighbor” policies which have done so much harm in the ’thirties. Furthermore, acccording to this statement:

Page 208: last sentence: Reconstruction

The new international financial institution would supplement the Bank for Re-constructon and Development.

Page 260: par. 1: equilibrium

This, however, is a mistaken notion that ignores the large body of past experience concerning the restoration and maintenance of equilibrum in international payments.

Page 281: bottom par.: arrangements

Reference has already been made to the value of the European Payments Union in making arrangemetns for the clearance, [...]

Page 288: par. 0: governmental

[...] allowed to proceed without major govermental interference its worldwide multilateral pattern develops as a matter of course.

Page 299: Number 2: Europe

It excludes the theoretical possibility of Western Eurpoe exclusive of Great Britain organizing itself on an autarchic basis and using bilateralist techniques in dealing with the rest of the world.


Page 237 and 274: There is a Section "1.". Every other chapter in the book does not have this initial subsection, and the first subsection is always numbered 2. I have removed this in the EPUB to make them all consistent.

Page 254 and Page 256 both have a Footnote 31. All Footnotes in Chapter 15 beyond this point have been bumped by one.

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