Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Roosevelt's Road to Russia by George Crocker

Status: One Round of QC (11.06.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 6: bottom par.: patrolling

There is no mystery about why, year after year, the East China Sea and the Sea of Japan must bristle with American warships and planes patroling in battle readiness.

Page 97: par. 1: semi-secrecy (to match the rest of the usage of "semi-" in the book).

As though a President could not have a rest on his own yacht in New England coastal waters without enshrouding his voyage in semisecrecy, Mr. Knox added:

Page 132: par. 1: effect

It was “valid in its binding effiect,” and it was “notice to the world by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, [...]

Page 141: Footnote: extraordinarily

“It had always been Steve Early’s practice to build up the radio audience for the President’s speeches with plenty of advance publicity and he did this extraordinarly well.”

Page 192: par. 2: titanic

It was a libel against the titantic military and industrial might of the United States and Great Britain and the nations of the British Commonwealth, [...]

Page 234: par. 1: Russian

Through the red network of treachery, he had received his orders from Jacob Golos, a high Rusian official in America who directed a number of Communist cells in the American government and was one of the ghostly manipulators of two espionage rings which encircled the White House.

Page 283: Notes, bottom par.: original

This version is faithful neither to the orginal text nor to the speech as actually delivered. Roosevelt very likely shied away from calling the Polish settlement an agreement by the United States, [...]

Page 303: Index: Both "Benes" were missing the s with a caron: "Beneš".

Page 307: Index: "Inönü, President Ismet" was missing the 'I' with a dot above. See:


I moved the images in Chapter 8 (in between Page 108 and 109 (128-135 of PDF)) to a seperate HTML file between Chapter 8 and 9.


Par 114: par. 1: Twentieth Century (? a magazine?)

The haste with which “a new charter for Humanity” was brought forth comes to mind when one reads what was said of it by the English magazine Twientieth Century in its next issue: [...]

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