Sunday, November 24, 2013

Capitalism the Creator by Carl Snyder

Status: One Round of QC (11.24.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 25: par. 1: maximum

Then a progressive slowing down of this increase, so that it is now estimated the United States may reach its maixmum population within the next 40 or 50 years.

Page 88: Missing a footnote 5 in the actual text.

Page 161: par. 2: competitor

The constant aim of every manufacturer is to produce at a lower cost than his competitior in order to sell a larger quantity of goods.

Page 165: par. 2: wealth

“It is not the actual greatness of national weath, but its continual increase, which occasions a rise in the wages of labour.

Page 466: Index: "Cassell, Gustav" should be "Cassel" (one 'l')

Page 466: Index: "Chanhu-Dara" should be "Chanhu-Daru" to match the other usages in the book.


I moved the footnotes to the end of each chapter.

I removed the "List of Charts" (doesn't make much sense in an ebook).

Thinking about what to do with the missing footnotes.


Page 19-22 (Chapter 1): Footnote 5.

Page 425 (Chapter 1): Footnote 5.

Page 88 (Chapter 5): Footnote 5.

Page 432 (Chapter 5): Footnote 5.

Page 170 (Chapter 10): Footnote 5. (There is a mismatch here.)

Page 441 (Chapter 10): Footnote 4. (There is a mismatch here.)

Page 260-264 (Chapter 15): Footnote 4.

Page 450 (Chapter 15): Footnote 4.

Page 269-270 (Chapter 16): Footnote 3.

Page 451 (Chapter 16): Footnote 3.

Page 275-276 (Chapter 16): Footnote 13.

Page 453 (Chapter 16): Footnote 13.

Page 317-320 (Chapter 19): Footnote 10.

Page 456 (Chapter 19): Footnote 10.

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