Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Keep Our Liberty by Raymond Moley

Status: One Round of QC (11.21.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 48: Missing Footnote 7 located in the actual text. I placed it right after "This is on the assumption that the company earned not over 12 per cent on its capital."

Page 83: par. 1: demonstrated

The wide possibilities of independent state action, always latent in the Constitution, were perhaps most fully demon-trated by Huey Long in Louisiana.

Page 124: Footnote 9: certified

The latter was largely the work of Price, Waterhouse and Company, certi-tified public accountants.

Page 147: par. 3: diminishing

The British socialists were unable to raise tax rates much higher after they came into power after the war because the burden of taxation, at a rate of approximately 40 per cent of the national income, was at the point of diminshing returns.

Page 147: par. 3: stifling

This has had the effect of strifling private investment and plant renewal, paving the way to nationalization.

Page 181: It says "Part III", but the other three sections use the word, "One", "Two", "Four". I fixed it to "Three".


The book never goes to footnote "10", it goes 1-9, and then back to 1. I renumbered all of them per chapter.

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