This book was requested by the commenter Sergio.
Fix Notes:
Page 5: par. 4: copious
Seneca has the most copius vocabulary, is the richest in aphorisms, writes the most finished prose, and appeals by his strong and consistent common sense.
Page 7: par. 1: contradiction
But the quotations do point to an apparent contra-dication in the Stoic system.
Page 22: par. 3: indefatigable
Virtue is free and indefatigible, and accompanied with concord and gracefulness; whereas pleasure is mean, servile, transitory, tiresome, and sickly, and scarce outlives the tasting of it.
Page 24: par. 5: indefatigably
A good man is happy within himself, and independent of fortune, kind to his friend, temperate to his enemy, religiously just, indefatigibly laborious; and he discharges all duties with a constancy and congru-ity of actions.
Page 38: par. 5: Accidental ':' instead of '"'
"If there be a Providence,: say some, "how comes it to pass that good men labor under affliction and adversity, and wicked men enjoy themselves in ease and plenty?"
Page 61: par. 3: harassed
Now, if the outward appearance of anger be so foul and hideous, how deformed must that miserable mind be that is harrassed with it.
Page 62: par. 2: venomous
The law is without passion and strikes malefactors as we do serpents and venemous creatures, for fear of greater mischief.
Page 131: last par.: deity
But if nothing appears to be better than the diety which is planted in thee, which has subjected to itself all thy appetites, and, as Socrates said, has detached itself from the persuasions of sense, and has submitted itself to the gods, and cares for mankind; if thou findest everything else smaller and [...]
Page 152: par. 0: poison
Dost thou think that a false opinion has less power than the bile in the jaundiced or the poision in him who is bitten by a mad dog?
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