Monday, June 10, 2013

Essentials of Economic Theory by John Bates Clark

Status: One Round of QC (09.18.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 51: Footnote 1, final sentence: accompanying

In the accompaying figure the fifth zone includes these “marginal” forms of wealth.

Page 100: very bottom of page: encumbrance

Of most kinds of consumers’ goods a person wants at one time one unit and no more, and a second unit, if he has to use it himself within the same time in which he uses the first, would be an incumbrance.

Page 330: par. 1: resistance

The economic motive which causes progress to perpetuate itself and to bring about more and more progress is the determined resistence to a fall from a social status.

Page 431: Footnote 1: semi-permanent (to match the usage of "semi-" throughout the book)

If carriers by water are in that intermediate state in which their capacity is only partially used, they also may offer to take some traffic for an amount which only covers variable costs; but this condition does not naturally become in their case semipermanent, as it does in the case of railroads.


- I removed the backmatter (replaced with the typical LvMI section).

-Throughout the book, there are: A, B, C, A', B', C', A'', ..., A’s, B’s, C’s, ... that flip flop between italics and non-italics versions. Quick Example: Page 74 unitalics, Page 186, italics.

I changed all of them to italics.

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