Thursday, August 30, 2012

History of American Socialisms By John Humphrey Noyes

Status: Completed


Original PDF:

Fix Notes:

Page (26): successfully

Neither can be successfuly embodied by men whose minds are not wide enough to accept them both.

Page (27): families

What they needed was to convert their churches into unitary fam-lies, and put them into unitary homes, where daily meetings and continuous criticism are possible;—and behold, this is Socialism!

Page (55): (Missing '.' before '—' to match others)

J. B. Herrick—

Page (59): probably

The moral at the close, inferring the impracticability of Communism, may prob-bly be accepted as sound, if restricted to non-religious experiments.

Page (84): enthusiasm

So Macdonald, with the enthuiasm of a true Socialist, on landing in this country in 1842 first sought out New Harmony.

Page (88): (Potential Error?)

Robert Owen is a remarkable character. In years nearly seventy-five: in knowledge and experience superabundant; in benevolence of heart transcendental; in honesty without disguise; in philanthropy unlimited; in religion a skeptic; in theology a Pantheist: in metaphysics a necessarian circumstantialist; in morals a universal excusionist; in general conduct a philosophic non-resistant;

Page (91): of

men and women who were spoiled for the world by once tasting or at least imagining the sweets af Communism, and would not be turned back by any number of failures.

Page (107): (Potential Error?)

Mr. Emerson’s lecture is doubtless reliable on the main point for which we quote from it—the Unitariar and Channing-arian origin of Brook Farm—but certainly supfiercial in its view of the substantial character and final purpose of that Community.

Page (148): (Most likely a scan error) Missing '.'

[...] that the afflatus must be strong enough to decompose the old family unit and make Communism the home-center

Page (173): embarrassment

This experiment did not fail through pecuniary embarassment.

Page (184): (Missing '‘')

On its banner was inscribed, To each, according to his capacity, and to each capacity according to its work.’

Page (191): division

This inquiry has given rise to our third divison, called theo-retico-practical architects of society.”

Page (202): Missing '“'

“Attractive Industry,” Compound Economies,” “Democracy of Association,” “Equilibrium of the Passions”

Page (203): constructing

Millions are now spent in constucting canals and railroads that scarcely pay for repairs.

Page (235): development

its constraint of millions to idleness and consequent dependence or famine for want of employment, and its failure to secure education and devolopment to the children growing up all around

Page (253): Pennsylvania

Having made this resolve, they looked not behind them, but freely contributed of their hard-earned means, and purchased eight hundred acres of fertile wood-land, in Monroe County, Pensylvania.

Page (283): (Potential Error?)

I boldy pronounce all partial attempts, short of such a beginning, a waste, and worse than a waste, of time and brain, blood and muscle, soul and body.

Page (299): THE and missing '.' at the end


Page (317): (Most likely a scan error) Missing '.'

I began to doubt whether it was much of an affair after all; but I pushed on, anxious at once to see the place

Page (334): (Most likely a scan error) Missing '.'

“The Phalanx has fee simple titles to many tracts of land, and a house in Warren, with which they will secure capitalists who choose to invest money, for the purpose of establishing some branches of manufacturing

Page (344): Brackets instead of parenthesis to match the rest of the book

(From a letter of N. C. Meeker, August 11, 1847.)

Page (366): February

An enthusiastic convention of Socialists was held in that city on the 22d of Februrary, 1844, at which interesting letters were read from Horace Greeley,

Page (404): Harbinger (matches the rest of the book)

[Letter to the Harbinger, August 15, 1845.]

Page (407): (Potential Error?) always

Tell H., of Beaver, to come and see us, and say to him that you have alway failed in depicting the comforts and pleasures of Association.

Page (412): ',' replaced with '.'

[From a letter in the Southport Telegraph,]

Page (414): ,. -> .,

We put in about twenty acres of spring crops, mostly potatoes, buckwheat, turnips, etc,. and have now one hundred acres of winter wheat in the ground.

Page (460): determined

Here, as elsewhere, individual opinion is free; but there are certain conditions, as we think, clearly indicated, which are necessary to the proper consideration of the question; and our view is that it is one that must be determned mainly by woman herself.

Page (554): probably

From a defect in the construction of the chimney, a spark from the stove-pipe had prob-bly communicated with the surrounding wood-work; and from the combustible nature of the materials, the flames spread with a celerity that made every effort to arrest their violence without effect.

Page (627): system

12.—The abolishment of the marriage sytem is involved in Paul’s doctrine of the end of ordinances.

Page (628): '.' was moved to after number

.14—The law of marriage “worketh wrath.”

Page (636): division

The present divison of labor between the sexes separates them entirely.

Page (639): consequences

Marriage makes a man responsible for the conse-qunces of his acts of love to a woman.

Money: Its Connexion With Rising And Falling By Edwin Cannan

Status: Completed


Original PDF:

On top of the usual, my PDF was cleaned very well with Imagemagick, which cleaned ~1.2 MBs of dust/pixels from the original scans.

The "Appendix Images" version has smaller image sizes, and also has all of the HTML tables in the Appendix replaced with images. This would most likely help if your ereader cannot handle such very large images/tables.

If reading on the PC, I would recommend the usual EPUB version.

Fix Notes:

Page 6: necessary (potential misspelling? In Great Britain in 1918, was it spelled with one s or two s?)

To arrive at agreement it is neces-ary, [...]

Page 47: sovereign

[...] although circulating at par with the coin tends to reduce the value of the coin and raise prices even when that coin is like the English sover-reign before the War, [...]

Page 86: Missing '.' after cent

Their value will be the same as that of the coin into which they are convertible, whether 1 per cent., 50 per cent or 100 per cent. are “ covered, ” [...]


- Changed footnote numbering from per page to per chapter.
- I decided to remove the spacing between the punctuation marks ' ; ' ' : ' ' “ ' ' ” ' ' ? ' in order to look nicer when reflowed.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Credit Policies of the Federal Reserve By Charles Hardy

Status: Accepted on Mises (08.21.12)

On top of the usual, my PDF was cleaned very well with Imagemagick, which cleaned ~1.2 MBs of dust/pixels from the original scans.

The "Appendix Images" version has smaller image sizes, and also has all of the HTML tables in the Appendix replaced with images. This would most likely help if your ereader cannot handle such very large images/tables.

If reading on the PC, I would recommend the usual EPUB version.

Fix Notes:

page (67)
Changed table from four column to two column table

page (84)

So long as usiness conditions are deemed satisfactory, all major gold movements in either direction must be offset by credit movements.

page (158)

Footnote 13 and 14 do not exist on the bottom of the page

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back Door To War - The Roosevelt Foreign Policy: 1933-1941 By Charles Callan Tansill

Status: Accepted on Mises (11.06.12)
ISBN-10: 0837179904
ISBN-13: 978-0837179902
Fixed PDF: If interested, please leave a comment and I will upload.

Fix Notes:

page (22):

In December 1921, General Henry T. Allen sent to Secretary Hughes a complaint that had been filed with the High Commision by a delegation of German workingmen:
page (86):

The result was a diplomatic vctory for China.

page (164):

A new drama that would end on a curtain line announcing Russian domi-ation of the Far East, had opened with an ominous fanfare.

page (256):

The League should be an instrument for internatinal conciliation and not "an international war office.”

page (314):

record vote in his favor and a corresondingly strong springboard for his next international move.

page (462):

He insisited that "first firing positively was by the Chinese.

page (625):

He and Ribbentrop were particulary intimate.


Removed the "Cover" page (Page 1 in the PDF) and replaced it with the page after (Page 3 in the PDF)


Added Subchapters to bookmarks

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Liberty and the Great Libertarians By Charles T. Sprading

Status: Tweaked (10.1.2013)
ISBN: 9781610161077

PDF: DEAD LINK (Please leave comment if you are interested)

Fix Notes (10.01.2013):

Page 103: par. 2: prescriptions

The volume in which justice records her perscriptions is forever increasing, and the world would not contain the books that might be written.

Page 105: par. 1, last sentence: Sphere

The Shpere and Duty of Government, with its clear, free thinking, was even more fearless and distinctive than the volumes of critical philology.

Page 113: par. 1: promiscuous

The solicitude of a State for the positive welfare of its citizens, must further be hurtful, in that it has to operate upon a promiscous mass of individualities, and therefore does harm to these by measures which cannot meet individual cases.

Page 138: par. 1: likely

It is true that this benefit is not capable of being rendered by everybody alike; there are but few persons, in comparison with the whole of mankind, whose experiments, if adopted by others, would be likey to be any improvement on established practice.

Page 146: par. 1: genuine

Your geniune action will explain itself, and will explain your other geniune actions.

Page 240: par. 1: Sovereignity

[...] and this is what is meant by the Soveriegnity of the Individual, limited only by the ever accompanying condition, resulting from the equal Sovereignty of all others, that the onerous consequences of his actions be assumed by himself.

Page 240: par. 2 (bottom): interference

In the elegant and refined reunions of the aristocratic classes there is none of the impertinent intereference of legislation.

Page 346: bottom par.: business

“Mind your own busines” is its only moral law.

Page 371: par. 1: diminish

No doubt the State and men of science have done something to dimmish the number of casualties.

Page 453: par. 0: subtlety

Though it might be said that the growing complexity of man’s nature would be likely to lead him into more rather than fewer relationships, yet on the other hand it is obvious that as the depth and subtelty of any attachment that will really hold him increases, so does such attachment become more permanent and durable, and less likely to be realized in a number of persons.


Page 33-59 (Chapter "Laconics of Liberty"): I changed all of these quotations to a blockquote with author right-aligned.

Old Fix Notes (08.01.2013):

New scans of pages: 251, 255, 257, 263, 315, 497, 504


page (67)
Ask of politicans the ends for which laws were originally designed, and they will answer

page (70)
But I demand of this politican, how

page (72)
have felt more confusion, and committed more flagrant acts of tryanny,

page (80)
If we would delineate human nature with a baseness of heart, and hyprocrisy of countenance,

page (93) Missing chapter number "IV."

page (103)
The volume in which justice records her perscriptions is forever increasing, and the world would not contain the books

page (104) (124) (148) (206) (228)
Liberty and the Great Liberterians

page (124)
It is the undertaking to decide that question for others, without allowing them to hear what can be said on the contrafy side.

page (130)
he is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generalty of the world,

page (131)
This dicipline recognizes a knowledge of the enemy’s case as beneficial to the teachers,

page (146)
Your geniune action will explain itself, and will explain your other geniune actions.

page (149)
Walph Raldo Emerson

page (150)
The appearnace of character makes the State unnecessary.

page (158) (Missing ',' after Liberator)
and especially must he be sure to count the cost and act intelligently.—Liberator 1862.

page (163)
Government is the fundamental ism of the soldier, bigot, and priest.

page (171)
but the unremitted repition of one dull unvarying sound would either not command attention or make us run mad.

page (187)
and so the laymen at last learned wisdom and no longer believed in the mediavel “truth.”

page (227)
By assuming an attitude which, if consist-tently maintained, implies a right to ignore the State entirely.

page (237)
The indivualities of the grains of sand which compose the beach,

page (238)
He cannot divest himself of his organic peculiarties of character, any more than he can divest himself of his features.

page (241)
It would, perhaps, be injudicious to conclude this exhibit of the doctrine of the indivudal soveriegnity,

page (242)
sovereignty beyond those limits without trenching upon, and interferring with,
“the soveriegnty of the individual, to be exercised at his own cost.”

page (244)
The oppressed classes do not want charity, but justice, amd with simple justice the necessity for charity will disappear or be reduced to a minimum.
The almshouse and the foundling hospital may be neccessary and laudable charities,

page (249)
the wills of the governor and the governed concur, and blend, and harmoize with each other.

page (255)
I am approached with the most opposite opinions and advice, and by religous men who are certain they represent the Divine will

page (262)
The jury must also judge of ths laws of evidence.

page (264)
and that to allow a jury rep-senting the people to invalidate the acts of the government would therefore be arraying the people against themselves.

page (269)
The government iself never acknowledges this right.

page (275)
We have been saved by that spendid thing called independence,

page (308)
2. From the power to monopolize land, which enables them to prevent others from using coal desposits which they will not use themselves.

page (320)
and they not only do not promote the internal well-being of their poeple, but they ruin and corrupt them.

page (325)
but because for their own liberty and welfare are needed services and sacrifices to the diety called Government;

page (341)
It sounds Utopian, but it really rests on severly economic grounds.

page (342) (Missing '.' after cent)
of less than one per cent, not as interest for the use of capital, but as pay for the labor of running the banks.

page (348)
Anarchists, in favoring the abolition of governmet, favor the abolition of invasion, not of protection against invasion.

page (354)
But, if individuals can do so much, what shall be said of the emomous and utterly irresistible power of a large and intelligent minority,

page (366)
who wandered about, offering their adventurous spirit, their arms, and their knowlege of warfare for the protection of populations,

page (376)
Such are the signs which appear even now in our invi-vidualist societies.

page (427) (No period)
LaborOf the means of production there are two classes

page (432)
Eeven if labor were the only source of and the only ingredient in value,

page (435)
cannot even understand how it is possible to work without a master who must be obyed, because he can hire and discharge, pay and punish

page (443)
The modern woman sees plainly enough that no decent advance of her sex is possible until this whole equstion is fairly faced

page (444)
Here in sex, the women’s insticts are, as a rule, so clean, so direct, so well-rooted in the needs of the race, that except for man’s domination they would scarcely have suffered this preversion.

page (445)
compains that nowadays “the notion that women require strength,

page (452)
Nor is it necessary to suppose that pol-gamy in certain countries and races is by any means so degrading or unsuccessful an institution as some folk would have it to be.

page (453)
et on the other hand it is obvious that as the depth and subtelty of any attachment that will really hold him increases,

page (472)
which was written during the last months of his imprison ment.

page (473)
well, nowadays the man of science and the philospher would be considerably amused.

page (495)
He is an invidual annihilated, not disciplined.

page (509)
But Sydicalism has also a directly positive aspect.

Erased page 544 (blank page at the end of the book)

PDF Bookmarks:

"XXI.Pierre A Kroptokin" -> "XXI. Pierre A. Kroptokin"
Added Subchapters to "Other Libertarians"
Added "Laconics" chapter