Status: Created
Congress Catalog Card No.: 54-7538
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Fix Notes: PDF Page (Actual Page)
Page 63 (47 actual):
- We shall be concerned with the business
cyle in later chapters and with the possibility of controlling
Page 162 (146 actual):
- But competition cannot compel them to do so, and if they did so for reasons of sentiment or under compulsion, an
anomolous situation would result.
Page 175 (159 actual)
- Erosion control, stream
polu-tion control, urban zoning ordinances,
Page 179 (163 actual):
- Our first task is to define the “proper balance”
beween the production of consumption goods and the production of capital goods.
Page 251 (235 actual):
- restraint that only his elite were expected to practice would spread
rapily to wider and wider groups as the discovery of cheap and relatively
Page 268 (252 actual):
- only through trade with countries
forunate enough to have mines within their territories or in the colonies under their control.
Page 302 (286 actual):
Missing period at the end of paragraph
- of confidence can cause sudden and violent changes which are not easily subject to government control
Page 303 (287 actual):
Extra space before period
- In that event it would lead to a general rise of prices, i.e., to inflation
Page 319 (303 actual):
- Usually the governments made these notes legal tender, which increased their general
acceptibility but also made them forced loans.
Page 328 (312 actual):
- To keep their reserves above the 25 percent legal
minimium, they were forced to call loans.
Page 469 (453 actual):
- Health and educational services in particular suffer, and these
difficiencies reduce the effectiveness of labor.
Page 470 (454 actual):
- considerably larger proportion of this group in the Southeast are potential
extrants into the unskilled labor market in that region than
Page 487 (471 actual):
- The management’s decision to expand employment involves the payment of higher wages not only to the additional workers, but to all those previously
Page 527 (511 actual):
- Real social security depends ultimately upon the
capacty of an economic system to maintain a rate of capital formation at least
Page 545 (529 actual):
- The end of the page has a '.' should be changed to ','
Page 553 (537 actual):
- view of the burden on Mississippi taxpayers and the
benfits to Mississippi’s needy aged,
Footnote 3 is in the text but is missing from the bottom of the page.
Page 571 (555 actual):
- employment after the war and the avowedly socialist Labor
Pary which held office from 1945 to the end of the decade
Page 620 (604 actual):
Changed to (3):
- (1) a budget balanced at the level determined by the normal functions of the State; (2) no effort to change the personal distribution of income through taxing and spending;
(2) no long-term debt creation except for purposes of adding to the durable assets of the State.
Page 666 (650 actual):
- to the faithful on the strategy to be followed for bringing in the
Page 686 (670 actual):
Missing .
- Identify the resemblance and the differences
Page 702 (686 actual):
- Some men will always seek power, but, under private capitalism,
ambitous men are induced to seek it indirectly through service and through the
Page 756 (740 actual):
NOT FIXED (Indentation problem)
- Marshall, Alfred, 388
Page 757 (741 actual):
NOT FIXED (Indentation problem)
- Keynesian analysis and, 397