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Fix Notes:
Page 3: below section I: Missing smallcaps
The pages that follow are, in a sense, an account of the history of money in the hands of Caesar, that is to say, the sovereignties of history, and their capacity or incapacity for moral restraint in handling that which has been entrusted to them.
Page 29: below section II: Missing smallcaps (This one might actually have smallcaps, but it is very hard to tell)
To understand the causes of the commercial collapse of the Empire, it is necessary that we trace briefly the appearance and early manifestations of the money problem in the Roman Republic.
Page 78: below section I: Missing smallcaps
Until the reign of Henry VIII in England interest-taking had been forbidden by both the canon and the civil law.
Page 90: par. 3: should the right single quote belong there? (UNCHANGED)
A class of professional money changers grew up, recruited from such towns as Asti and Chieri, who, under the collective name of Lombards and Cahorsines, established their ’change counters in all the European trading cities of the Middle Ages.
Page 122: par. below section III.: aptitude
John Law was educated at Edinburgh, where he showed an amazing apitude for mathematics, especially the intricacies of algebra, which was later to stand him in good stead while explaining the ramifications of his financial plans.
Page 166: permenant (?) (UNCHANGED)
In perfect theory, and under ideal conditions, it is the state alone, as the agency of society, which can exercise that plenary and permeant control of the money mechanism which is necessary for its highest functioning in the economic order.
Page 169: bottom par.: understood
To the engineers of the system, its composition is fully understod, but the public long believed that its money was gold, and implicitly relied upon that fact, while the money traders recognized it for what it was, [...]
Page 183: last sentence on page: authorizing
Because of the supposed immense advantage to agriculture, he said, the Massachusetts legislature was authhorizing a number of new banks, but credit could not be solid when a man was [...]
Page 203: below section I: Missing smallcaps
In the fifth decade of the nineteenth century world production of gold suddenly leaped to new and unprecedented levels.
Page 207: par. 1: dumbfounded (?) (UNCHANGED)
So long as customers do not draw down the resulting deposits in actual cash, but transfer them from one to another by check, it appears to be something real and tangible, so real that many people are dumfounded when they are informed that there may be over 750 billion dollars of commercial bank deposits in all the banks, yet the total sum of money in circulation may be less than 70 billion dollars (1975).
Page 250: below section I: Missing smallcaps
In the twentieth century, however, we have witnessed a gradual and almost unresisted movement back to state authoritarianism, primarily in the economic sphere, accompanied by the spread of state monopoly and intervention.
Page 284: Bibliography: Before
Charles Theodore Seltman, Athens: Its History and Coinage be-for the Persian Invasion. Cambridge, 1924.
Page 306: speculation
Security speculaion: see Speculation