Friday, March 29, 2013

Money and Man by Elgin Groseclose

Status: Almost Complete (03.30.13)


Fix Notes:

Page 3: below section I: Missing smallcaps

The pages that follow are, in a sense, an account of the history of money in the hands of Caesar, that is to say, the sovereignties of history, and their capacity or incapacity for moral restraint in handling that which has been entrusted to them.

Page 29: below section II: Missing smallcaps (This one might actually have smallcaps, but it is very hard to tell)

To understand the causes of the commercial collapse of the Empire, it is necessary that we trace briefly the appearance and early manifestations of the money problem in the Roman Republic.

Page 78: below section I: Missing smallcaps

Until the reign of Henry VIII in England interest-taking had been forbidden by both the canon and the civil law.

Page 90: par. 3: should the right single quote belong there? (UNCHANGED)

A class of professional money changers grew up, recruited from such towns as Asti and Chieri, who, under the collective name of Lombards and Cahorsines, established their ’change counters in all the European trading cities of the Middle Ages.

Page 122: par. below section III.: aptitude

John Law was educated at Edinburgh, where he showed an amazing apitude for mathematics, especially the intricacies of algebra, which was later to stand him in good stead while explaining the ramifications of his financial plans.

Page 166: permenant (?) (UNCHANGED)

In perfect theory, and under ideal conditions, it is the state alone, as the agency of society, which can exercise that plenary and permeant control of the money mechanism which is necessary for its highest functioning in the economic order.

Page 169: bottom par.: understood

To the engineers of the system, its composition is fully understod, but the public long believed that its money was gold, and implicitly relied upon that fact, while the money traders recognized it for what it was, [...]

Page 183: last sentence on page: authorizing

Because of the supposed immense advantage to agriculture, he said, the Massachusetts legislature was authhorizing a number of new banks, but credit could not be solid when a man was [...]

Page 203: below section I: Missing smallcaps

In the fifth decade of the nineteenth century world production of gold suddenly leaped to new and unprecedented levels.

Page 207: par. 1: dumbfounded (?) (UNCHANGED)

So long as customers do not draw down the resulting deposits in actual cash, but transfer them from one to another by check, it appears to be something real and tangible, so real that many people are dumfounded when they are informed that there may be over 750 billion dollars of commercial bank deposits in all the banks, yet the total sum of money in circulation may be less than 70 billion dollars (1975).

Page 250: below section I: Missing smallcaps

In the twentieth century, however, we have witnessed a gradual and almost unresisted movement back to state authoritarianism, primarily in the economic sphere, accompanied by the spread of state monopoly and intervention.

Page 284: Bibliography: Before

Charles Theodore Seltman, Athens: Its History and Coinage be-for the Persian Invasion. Cambridge, 1924.

Page 306: speculation

Security speculaion: see Speculation

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mediafire Links Down

My Mediafire account was taken down since ~ March 12th. This (mostly) troll company, LeakID, took down 4 Mises PDF backups that I had. Here is an article on them from Techdirt:

They took down these books, in the name of the company, SEPM, that "owns the rights":


I was in the process of getting this resolved, when my Economics In One Lesson EPUB / backup of the FEE HTML came back to haunt me.

(I now learn that Mediafire has a "three strikes" policy). The Economics In One Lesson EPUB/7z counted as two strikes (from months ago). I never filled those counterclaims on the two Economics In One Lesson (because there is a huge murky area around Economics In One Lesson, and Random House hunts down everyone who tries to put up ebooks (part of the reason why and LFB do not have an EPUB version of the book for sale)). I did not want to give Random House access to my information, and I had no intention of uploading that book again.

These 4 on March 12th put me way over the limit and got my account suspended. I filled out the counterclaims immediately for the 4 above, because I KNOW they are bogus (even though I hate giving this troll company my information, I would prefer to have my Mediafire account back up and running).

The DMCA counterclaim process is up to 10 days, and after 10 days, if the company does not respond, the claims are dropped. I waited 10 days, account was still suspended. I finally decided to contact them again on March 28th (16 days since filing counterclaims).

Due to bad wording, and bad assumptions on my part, I somehow passed some sort of limit on how long Mediafire waits for counterclaims and suspended accounts, and all of the files stored on my Mediafire are deleted.

I have backups in place, and since my account became suspended, I began really pushing for having backups spread to multiple people/places.

It will take me some time to reupload the EPUBs and update all of the links, please let me know if there is anything specific EPUBs you are looking for, and I can fix the links right away. Besides that, it will be quite low priority (I would rather spend time converting more books than to go back to fix 100+ broken links).

I am trying to get my Mediafire account unsuspended (today I did fill out the counterclaim for the damn Economics In One Lesson, pointing out the free versions on FEE), but I will not be using Mediafire exclusively in the future.

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Tariff Idea by W. M. Curtiss

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 51: par. 1: officials

Who is to say that a prospective new industry will eventually become a successful one? Government of-cials?

The State by Randolph Bourne

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 7: bottom of page: Missing period:

The slack is taken up, the cross-currents fade out, and the nation moves lumber-ingly and slowly, but with ever accelerated speed and integration, towards the great end, towards that “peacefulness of being at war,” of which J.P Jacks has spoken so unforgettably.

Page 14: par. 0: sectional

There are certain vague section al groups.

Page 17: par. 2: of

On the contrary, with the passing f the dominance of the State, the genuine life-enhancing forces of the nation will be liberated.


The Foreword has very awkward spacing (I cannot figure out the reasoning, I left it as is).

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Collectivism: A False Utopia by William Henry Chamberlin

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 89: Blockquote, bottom of page: purchasing

It would probably be not far from the facts to put the puchasing power of the rouble in 1936 in respect of the most important articles of consumption at one-sixteenth of the 1913 rouble, or, taking into consideration housing rents, travelling, etc., at one-twelfth of the 1913 rouble.

Page 203: Bad scan on a section towards the middle of the page. I have made a reasonable estimate at the missing text:

[...] by comparison, involving far fewer adjustments and sacrifices; yet its solution proved impossible without four years of devastating civil war. Socialism, as I have defined it, is certain to prove, in the beginning at least, a road not to freedom but to dictatorship and counter-dictatorship, to civil war of the fiercest kind.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Compulsory Medical Care and the Welfare State by Melchior Palyi

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 120: par. 2: visiting

Sick children are sent in so as to save the family the trouble of caring for, and the doctor (under the capitation system) of visting, them at home.

Page 131: par. 0: ordinances (?) (UNCHANGED... could be foreign word?)

But the Ministry of Labor has veto power over every move they make and bombards them with circulars, ordin-nances and arretées defining and directing their activities in minute detail.


Footnotes split from References section into the bottom of each chapter.

Instead of a large margin raised cap at the beginning of each chapter, I changed to a dropcap

The subchapters are the floating text boxes. I need to look into ways of perhaps getting these as h3 instead of span (so I can generate them in the TOC using Sigil).

An Inflation Primer by Melchior Palyi

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 21: par. 0: Missing beginning paragraph? On page 20, it looks as if the paragraph ends... on page 21, it continues with this paragraph:

[...] deposits by holding a fraction of them in balances at their respective reserve banks. But what fraction? This, the pertinent question, is answered in the accompanying table.

Page 44: par. 1: entrepeneur

By the latter, the enterpreneur pays for more or better work accomplishment.

Page 60: par. 2: prominent

Some of his promient (self-appointed) successors would extend “freedom” to the price of the monetary unit itself.

Page 114: par. 1: assumption

At any rate, security and real estate values, based as they are on the assumuption of an indefinite credit flow, would be in for a severe beating.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The New Argument in Economics by Helmut Schoeck

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 10: Footnote 3: Mississippi

“In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years the Lower Missisippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles.

Page 17: par. 4: question

This is largely an empirical quesion, and again it is one to which little systematic analysis has been devoted.

Page 102: Footnote 10: discussion

For a more complete dicussion, [...]

Page 103: Footnote 11, Number 6: Hopkins

(Baltimore: Johns Hokins Press, 1958).

Page 104: Footnote 22: Publishing

(New York: McGraw-Hill Pubishing Co., Inc., 1952)

Page 206: par. 1: with

But this paper does not deal directly wtih profligacy, only with its aftermath—tyranny.

Page 244: par. 2: been

In the case of transport, a part of the loss has ben written off by the creditor, i.e., the government, and it seems most unlikely that even the balance will ever be made good.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Scientism and Values by Helmut Schoeck

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)

Library of Congress Catalogue Card No.: 60-16928


Fix Notes:

Page xi: par. 2: observation

When we are critical of a fashionable brand of scientism, we do not intend to belittle the necessity and actual power of the method of obervation.

Page 45: par. 1: destructive

Secondly, we shall document the statement that the social scientist in talking about justice not only does not know what he is talking about, but is stirring up and adding to destuctive conflict.

Page 104: par. 0: Missing ':' after sentence (a blockquote follows)

[...] whatever the cost, is comparable to the remarks of Nels Anderson about the development of the underdeveloped U.S.S.R.

Page 106: par. 0: consistently

Almost inevitably, but certainly factually, the usurpation of the function of creator produces a consistenly negative attitude toward organized religion, which has for millennia offered its own conception of a Creator.17

Page 116: Footnote 4: bad quotation

4. “The Aims of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, "Social Problems, Vol. I (1953), pp. 2-3.

Page 174: par. 2: government

“Thank God that we don’t get as much gov-erment as we pay for”?

Page 177: Footnote 3: particles

For a critique of the recent fallacious notion, based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, that atomic or subatomic partices have “free will,”

Page 181+ Chapter 9 had footnotes in the format of (##)

Page 190: Wrong quotation

Therefore, for an individual of any species, I hesitate to speak of ”optimum nurture” and of “design” for growth without a careful qualification of “optimum” and of “nurture.”

Page 200: Footnote 3: Philadelphia

(3rd ed.; Phila-dephia: W. B. Saunders Company, 1955).

Page 200: Footnote 6: Children

W. A. Ketcham, “Growth Patterns for Gifted Chidren,”

Page 230: par. 1: methodology

But if actual events can supply us guidance, we have not developed the methodogy for presenting our arguments so effectively and rationally that they will invite acceptance by all men [...]

Page 265: Index: "chemisty" -> chemistry

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Psychiatry and Responsibility by Helmut Schoeck

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

The Preface was seriously marked. I cleaned up all of those pages in the PDF (will post at a later date).

Page 19: par. 1: anthropology

“For not only medical science and psychological science and sociological science, but literature, art, anthropolgy, pedagogy, and even popular speech show the influence of Freud’s discoveries and show them in unmistakable terms.”

Page 41: par. 1: religious

No other agency has purged religous conceptions of their gross elements as has science.

Page 189: par. 0: distinguished

Classical liberalism of the Whig type, as distingushed from Rousseau’s perfectionism, is expressly founded on a recognition of the irrational, the cruel, the evil elements in man’s nature.

Page 216: par.2: conditions

Perhaps the greatest handicap for the systematic study of the social conditons conducive to mental health is the very elusiveness of this concept.

Page 228: Footnote 13: Missing period at the end

Page 228: Footnote 19: Seems to be missing the book title, only has the location, publisher, and year.


Should The William Volker Fund Series in the Humane Studies (page right after "cover") be removed?

Blockquotes in Chapters 1, 2, and 4 were indented, changed to no indentation to match the rest of the book.