Thursday, December 12, 2013

Revolt on the Campus by M. Stanton Evans

Status: One Round of QC (12.11.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 65: par. 0: pamphlets

[...] be glad to send them their pamplets.

Page 65: par. 1: beginnings

Such were the modest biginnings of 1953. In the eight years since, they have been extended, not by high-pressure campaigning, but by the slow accretion of consent.

Page 105: par. 5: phenomenon

And his own following among college students has swollen into a massive national phenonemon.

Page 113: par. 0: organization

An endorsement by an infant organiaztion would do Nixon very little good; those who wanted his election could best achieve it [...]

Page 117: Footnote: between

[...] a radio appearance by author-editor Frank Meyer; speeches by Walter Judd and Senator Barry Goldwater; a debate betweeen William F. Buckley, Jr. and Charles Taft; [...]

Page 146: Footnote: social

A good deal of this jargon is borrowed from the graceless vocabulary of the socal scientists.

Page 228: par. 2: Committee’s

(Among the Central Committeee’s Iron Curtain members were Professor Josef Hromadka of Czechoslovakia, and Bishop Lajos Veto, a member of the Communist Hungarian Parliament.)

Page 248: Index: "VanHorne, Grant" accidentally missing a space. Should be "Van Horne, Grant"


Page 162: par. 4: purusal (?)

The delegates were told that “rather than a rally of student support, the conference will be a serious persual of all important aspects of the Peace Corps proposals.”

1 comment:

  1. Not sure the best place to make a suggestion, but I'm having trouble finding a good quality epub of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and 1799, but Madison and Jefferson, in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Links to HTML versions here.
