Monday, September 30, 2013

The Legacy of Max Weber by Ludwig M. Lachmann

Status: One Round of QC (09.30.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 23: par. 0: phenomena

Moreover, the line that divides concrete historical phenomenona from permanent social structures is notoriously thin.

Page 45: par. 0: orientation

In either case their projected action constitutes points of orientaton for us.

Page 57: par. 2: Arbitrary

But the reasons for this are ‘Arbitry, error and other influences’.

Page 82: par. 3: manœuvre (to match the other uses in the book)

Changes in the legal order may affect the area for manoeuvre within which individuals may move and undesigned institutions evolve.

Page 99: par. 1: democratic

No mature society is likely to tolerate the destruction of its democractic institutions by the misuse of the very procedures which these institutions authorize.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Letters to Mr. Malthus by Jean-Baptiste Say

Status: One Round of QC (10.03.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 12 of PDF: par. 1: developments

What is the reason that in the interior of every state, notwithstanding a desire of action adapted to all the developements of industry, there exists universally a difficulty of finding lucrative employments?

Page 32 of PDF: par. 2: subtleties

After these necessary explanations, you will not accuse me of vain subleties, if I rely on the laws which I have shewn to be founded on the nature of things, and the facts which flow from that source.

Page 49 of PDF: par. 2: subtracted

[...] it is laid down that a production saved is so much substracted from unproductive consumption to be added to capital, that is to say, to the value that is consumed reproductively.

Page 56 of PDF: par. 2: development

hey will be more painful wherever a more robust temperament excites to a greater de-velopement of industry; the happiest effects will result from this, if it be left at full liberty; if it be restrained, then terrible convulsions will be the consequence.

Page 67 of PDF: par. 1: development

Is it extraordinary that the commercial produce brought by the Americans themselves into their ports, at the conclusion of an excessive deve-lopement of their nautical industry, should yet remain there in superabundance?

Page 70 of PDF: par. 1: inconveniences

But at the same time it is expedient to diminish gradually, and as far as the circumstances of every state will allow, the general and permanent inconveniencies which spring from too expensive a productive system.

Page 96 of PDF: Index: "Jesuits" is not smallcaps and have a top margin, like the first word of each letter.

Page 114 of PDF: par. 1: indispensable

But this is not the case: the greater part of things which are necessary and even indispensible to us, are not given to us gratuitously and unlimitedly.

Page 124 of PDF: par. 2: indispensable

He must possess, besides those, the materials on which he would employ his industry, and the indispensible implements to carry it into effect.

Page 155 of PDF: very bottom of page: Develop

Develope what relates to reproductive consumption.

Page 176 of PDF:: near middle of page: from

What other consequence do you draw faom it?

Page 184 of PDF: par. 1: negotiates

Sometimes it negociates bills on its agents, the receivers of contributions.

Page 187: par. second from bottom: appropriated

That not being applicable to the satisfying of our wants, or of procuring enjoyments, because they are appropiated to reproduction, they are of no value, except for the faculty which they have of contributing to the production of some other consumable values.

Page 197 of PDF: par. 2: fineness

In order to prevent the abuses which individuals might create in this manufacture, by not making it of the same finenesss and weight which the impression indicates; and sometimes they reserve that right, in order to obtain the profit of it, which makes part of its revenue.

Page 201 of PDF: par. 2: Missing period at the end of the paragraph, after "old money".

Page 206 of PDF: par. 2: respecting

What do you observe respectiug bank notes?

Page 217 of PDF:: par. 3: incontestably

The care which a government takes to ascertain the capacity and honesty of apothecaries, and even of physicians, is then incontestibly useful.

Page 238 of PDF: near very bottom: inconveniences

Are there any other inconveniencies attending independent colonies?


Page 76 of PDF: I split "These twenty men, constantly employed, would cost, [...]" to become the first cell in the "table" here.

Page 109 of PDF: I split "CATECHISM OF POLITICAL ECONOMY;" into its own separate file before Chapter 1.

Page 240+ of PDF: Index: I changed the Index to use left margins, instead of multiple em dashes.

Page 244 of PDF: At the very end of the PDF is this "Erratum": "Page 59, line 7, between the words are and easily insert the word less." I implemented this fix.


"enterprize" is used 5 times throughout the book. "merchandize" is used 31 times, while "merchandise" is used 74 times.

Title pages, there are too many. Can these just be condensed/removed completely? Title Pages: Page 1, "3", and 5 of PDF. If anything, maybe Page 5 title page can be moved to front, and the Page 1 and 3 can be removed. Maybe somewhere in the copyright page it can be added that this EPUB was based off of the Augustus M. Kelley 1967 reprint.

Throughout the book, there is usage of "- - - -", should these be changed to em dashes? Examples: Page 27, 50, 55, ...

Page 172 of PDF: par. 6: "inheritance"?

If a man whose income is absorbed by the ordinary contributions, together with the maintenance of his family, comes to an heritance, and as an heir he is bound to pay impost, it must be taken out of his inheritance; the capital in the hands of the heir is therefore no longer so considerable as it was in the hands of the deceased.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Let's Abolish Government by Lysander Spooner

Status: One Round of QC (09.30.2013)


Still to be Done:

I need to resize the images.


Moved the Introduction to Thomas Bayard to AFTER the title page for it.

The multiple TOCs have been condensed into one.

Split Letter to Grover Cleveland ~ halfway, since the file was too large for EPUB (~330 KB before split).

Page 21: Footnote *: "1 Coke's Institutes, 110 a" was changed to "—1 Coke's Institutes, 110 a" and appended to the end of the quote to match the look of the rest of the book.

I compared "Letter to Grover Cleveland" to this version to catch some more mistakes:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Murray N. Rothbard: In Memoriam edited by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Status: One Round of QC (09.19.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 34: par. 1: "Social Sciences" is missing italic

In the area of philosophy, in his book Individualism and the Philosophy of the Social Sciences and in many articles, Murray dealt with problems such as the logical nature of economics versus history and sociology, with the theory of measurement, and the foundations of probability theory.

Page 34: par. 1: "Ethics of Liberty" is missing italic

In The Ethics of Liberty he presented and defended against all conceivable objections, a fully worked out ethical system: a libertarian law code of individual liberty, private property, contractualism, and strict liability.

Page 85: par. 2: "Great Depression" is missing italic

After becoming a student I began to devour every word he wrote. I was stunned by the brilliance of his revisionist history in Conceived in Liberty, America's Great Depression, and his articles on pietism, progressivism, and the world wars.

Page 96: par. 1: entirety

And while the breadth and diversity of his writing were truly astounding, they in no way reflect all the things that Murray took an interest in—and when Murray took an interest in something, he mastered it in its entierty.

Page 98: par. 2: contributed

He also contirubted importantly in developing his political philosophy on the basis of natural law and natural rights in his Ethics of Liberty—an important explication of his political philosophy.

Page 100: par. 4: seemed

Murray always had plenty of time, it semed, to talk with all students regarding all of their questions, and yet he was the most prolific writer, so that it is hard to imagine that he was limited to the same number of hours per day that all of us are.

Page 102: bottom par.: solution

I proposed a free market soluton to a problem, while the other Republicans agreed with me that it would be nice if we could find a free-market solution, they always stated that the 1929 Depression proved that the free market was unstable and could not work without government regulation and intervention.

Page 103: bottom par.: Institute

When the Mises Insitute was founded by Lew Rockwell in 1982, I began to serve immediately as its Vice Chairman and on its Board of Visitors.

Page 110: second par. from bottom: defines

The taxing power efines the state in the same way that theft defines a robber.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Great Austrian Economists by Randall G. Holcombe

Status: Fixed (09.18.2013)


Changes in EPUB:

- Replaced Cover
- Removed Back Image
- Replaced with latest LVMI banner (bloated the EPUB by ~100 KBs)
- Added eISBN
- Removed Fonts (bloated the EPUB by ~738 KB)
- I also tossed out all references to Times New Roman.
- GIF -> PNG -> compressed (177 KBs -> 145 KBs)
- Footnotes to the [##] format
- Footnotes sections separated by hr tag now.
- Removed empty spans.
- Swapped copyright statement from:

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries should be addressed to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 518 West Magnolia Avenue, Auburn, Alabama 36832; or emailed to

to a CC 3.0:

Published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0.

- Floating images to the right
Old ADE:
New ADE:
- New Images
Chapter 7 Before:
Chapter 7 After:
Chapter 8 Before:
Chapter 8 After:
Chapter 9 Before:
Chapter 9 After:
- Changed Headings to smallcaps instead of the ugly code. (Much cleaner for the long-run).
- Changed first words in chapter from ALL CAPS -> smallcaps.
- Few spelling and italic mistakes.
- Fixed some spacing errors.
- "F. A." changed to "F.A." to match the way abbreviations were used throughout the rest of the book.
- Fixed lots of indentation mistakes in the Index.

Fix Notes:

Page 137: par. 0: final quotation missing closing quote.

The rise in standards of living are accompanied by an "increased proportion of workers in the higher occupations" implying "a further rise in the average condition of the masses" proving that "the diffused advantages of progress mean relatively more to the masses than to the rich.37

Page 138: par. 0: final quotation missing closing quote.

"The state regulates and limits," according to Fetter, with "its aim to preserve the benefits of competition without its evils, to lift the competition to a higher plane, and ... to give a higher and truer economic freedom.40

Page 189: Footnote 27: Hayek

For Hayeks I and II, see T.W. Hutchison, "Austrians on Philosophy and Method (since Menger)," in idem, The Politics and Philosophy of Economics: Marxians, Keynesians, and Austrians [...]

Page 258: Index: "U" is missing a space between the sections.