Thursday, February 28, 2013

Central Planning and Neomercantilism by Helmut Schoeck

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 7: par. 2: planning

It is the concept of total plannnig that necessitates the role of the Party, which is the General Staff of the Movement.

Page 7: par. 2: population

That is why the present membership of the Party amounts to a very small percentage of the total Soviet popualtion.

Page 24: par. 1: altogether

Public measures find favor that promise to mitigate or altogther frustrate the results of the price mechanism in a free market when, as in agriculture, technological developments require a major shift of workers or other major changes.

Page 58: Footnote 10: municipality

The decision by a muncipality or by a state that certain activities are restricted to specified areas may be wholly necessary, although even zoning may come to express merely a desire for tidiness, for expression of power, or for differential financial advantage.

Page 93: par. 2: planning

Originally, central plannnig was not really an elaborated and major part of Marxist theory.

Page 94: par. 0: Socialists

It has been noted that most of the schemes, as well as the semantics used to sell them, started by the Socalists in Britain after 1945 were superficial imitations of military operations.

Page 103: par. 1: consequences

[...] once more respectable in the face of the failures and consequenecs of planning in communist and socialist countries.

Page 104: par. 4: manipulation

In an age of computers and scientism it seems probable that socialism in its various forms will no longer try to win through sentimental, nostalgic ideologies and ideals but through the production and manipuation of research data and the presentation of “compelling” statistics.

Page 113: par. 1: governmental

Contemptuous govenmental attitudes toward business, as shown by the resort to laws which are not linked to moral standards, are not likely to produce desirable responses.

Page 120: Footnote 10: substances

(1) Installation of new machinery with electronic detection devices to reject bottles containing alien substancees will cost the company $100,000 annually for twenty years in amortization;

Page 122: Footnote 23: Wrong quotation mark

Johs Andenaes, “General Prevention—Illusion or Reality?“ Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science, XLIII (1952), 186-87.

Page 134: par. 2 (very bottom of page): areas

This, in turn, may lead to a reconsideration or reorientation of present programs for demolishing and rebuilding large urban aeas.

Page 135: Footnote 8: assembled

“Execution” can take many months before individual parcels of land are acquired, cleared, and asembled for offer to prospective purchasers.

Page 151: par. 1: million

It refused to buy acceptances directly from business, insisting on purchasing them from intermediary acceptance houses, and from only those with a capital of over $1 millon.

Page 160: par. 5 (very bottom of page): Congressional

Such reasoning, plus that of Dr. Means, along with the publicity attendant on the Kefauver Hearings, led to Congressionl consideration of price notification legislation, [...]

Page 169: par. 2: formerly

Fiberglass has appeared in a variety of uses that were formely monopolized by steel—auto bodies, for example.

Page 173: par. 3: administrative

Dr. Means’ concept of “admistrative inflation,” in fact, under analysis seems little else but cost-push inflation; and he concedes, perhaps inadvertently, [...]

Page 187: par. 1: economy

All admit readily that the United States, even after the limitations on economic freedom which have taken place since the 1930’s, is the world’s most conspicuous example of a free-enterprise econ-nomy.

Page 196: Footnote 8: Relationships

Subcommittee on Inter-American Economic Relationsips of the Joint Economic Committee,

Page 187: Footnote 17: Lachaume

Pierre Lloste-Lachaume, Réhabilitation du libéralisme (Paris: Éditions SÉDIF, 1950), p. 320;

Page 201: par. 2: initiative

Hence, wartime economic planning, though in some sense a genuine exercise in the centralization of intitative, could proceed without breakdown mainly by the use of the simple devices of prohibition, rationing, and arbitrary pricing.

Page 222: Accidental margin separation in letter "M"

MacLeish, Archibald, 4

Malinowski, Bronislaw Kasper, 42


Page 71 (83), Footnote 3, Footnote 7... Footnote 6 was on the previous page.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A New History of Leviathan Edited by Ronald Radosh & Murray N. Rothbard

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 24: should close paragraph with period, not comma

Rather, it is to suggest that, viewed within the context of Wilson’s overall thought and programmatic approach, the New Freedom years are not best understood as a distinctive period in his intellectual or political life, nor as “anti-big business” in nature or intent,

Page 117: Footnote 11: accidental single quotation

Also see the important work by Ronald Radosh, “The Development of the Corporate Ideology of American Labor Leaders, 1914-1933’”


Removed the Second Title Page (?) (Not too sure on official terminology). Page 13 of the PDF where it states the name of the book again right before Chapter 1.

The Myth of the New Deal by Ronald Radosh had many blockquotes with indentation. The rest of the blockquotes throughout the book have no indentation. I removed the indentation to match the rest of the chapters.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Capital, Expectations, and the Market Process by Ludwig M. Lachmann

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 7: end of par. 1: Missing italics

(H. S. Ellis, German Monetary Theory 1905-1933 [Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1934]).

Page 48: par. 2: theoretical

Third, and probably most important, the real theoreticial work of the Austrian school had scarcely begun in 1883.

Page 179: par. 1: principles

But I venture to doubt whether he will find it necessary to modify in their essence, to add much to or to detract from, the few logical pinciples of Social Science I have set before you to-day.


Changed the layout of "Page 2" of the PDF around a little bit.

On many of the journals, I added a space between Journal # and the (year). Example:

“Uncertainty and Liquidity Preference.” Economica 4(August 1937):295-308.

Hyphenation Notes?

Not too sure on a lot of the hyphens in this book, it seems to flip flop a lot, maybe there is some logic behind it. Here are a few examples:

"neoclassical" is used 11 times, "neo-classical" is used 66 times
"coordination" is used 10 times, "co-ordination" is used 7 times

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Theory of Economic Policy in English Classical Political Economy by Lionel Robbins

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

Page 160: par. 0: suspicions

All his libertarian supicions were already aroused by the projects of the St.-Simonians.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Theory of Economic Development in the History of Economic Thought by Lionel Robbins

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)

Publisher: Macmillan
Library of Congress catalog card no. 68-29378
ISBN 10: 0-333-02164-9
ISBN 13: 9780333021644


Fix Notes:

page xii: par. 0: contemporary

I do not think that contempory economic thought runs any danger whatever of the latter state of mind.

Page 23: par. 1: St.

When St Paul said that ‘It is good for a man not to touch a woman’ but that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’, he was making a statement which has had a profound influence on the Christian attitude to relations between the sexes and which affords a mordant glimpse of his own state of mind.

Page 45: par. 1: Dr.

And, as Dr Vickers has shown, there is much in the works of writers such as Barbon and Berkeley which can be interpreted as anticipating some modern propaganda in favour of spending.

Page 50: par. 0: important

But the significance as regards any possible leakages is unequivocal; and this is fundamentally inportant.

Page 72: par. 0: Ricardian (?) (UNCHANGED)

[...] and the Ricardean theory of value, with its persistent neglect of the influence of the scarcity of different kinds of skill, can only be made at all plausible by the assumption that the differences are all assimilable to differences of investment in education.

Page 78: Footnote 2: Dr.

This is well argued by Dr Nathan Rosenberg in an excellent article:

Page 87: Footnote 3: spacing issues (?) (I assume the horrible spacing is in the cited work)

Page 104: par. 2: Missing '

Apart from the yield of capital, they distinguished elements in this residue which Mill described as ‘interest, insurance and wages of superintendence .2

Page 121: par. 0: St.

[...] and whether because of this or by reason of independent reflection the same point was emphasised by St Thomas Aquinas and thereafter by other scholastic writers and mercantilist pamphleteers.

Page 129: par. 2: maintenance

But this has been in the alleged interests of the mainte-ance of confidence or justice to creditors rather than in the direct interests of development, although doubtless many of the proponents of such policies would argue that in the long run development

Page 135: par. 2: happiness

Hence it follows, he concludes, ‘that it is of no manner of consequence, with regard to the domestic happeness of a state, whether money be in a greater or less quantity.

Page 140: Footnote 3: F. W.

Smith, op. cit., vol. i, p. 287. For a detailed history of the so-called ‘real bills’ doctrine see Lloyd Mints, A History of Banking Theory in Great Britain and the United States (Chicago, 1945) and F W Fetter, The Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy (Harvard, 1965).

Page 151: par. 3: constituents

The first arises in connection with changes in the relative availability of different constitutents of the same collection of goods.

Page 158: par. 0: St.

And although St Thomas Aquinas, in his Summa, has little to add to Aristotle on matters of trade and economic life generally, except an analytical blunder about fungibles which was all his own, by the time we come to the works of St Antonino, written at the crest of the commercial greatness of Florence, [...]

Page 171: par. 0: missing space

But the approach,via the comparison of more or less development at the expense of less or more achievement of other ends, is an immeasurable improvement on the loose habit of comparison of all of one thing or all of the other.

Page 172: par. 3: Dr.

Of these, at once the subtlest and the most forceful is Dr E. J. Mishan’s [...]

Page 173: par. 1: Dr.

Dr Mishan’s book is a powerful denunciation not only of economic growth but of the prevalent spirit of the age; and there can be little doubt that a certain fundamental pessimism and sensitivity colours his verdicts on some developments which others would value differently.

Page 173: par. 2: Dr.

But no one has given it so wide a coverage or used it with such argumentative force as Dr Mishan.

Page 173: par. 3: Dr.

Nevertheless, in attributing these evils to economic growth as such, Dr Mishan seems to me to have established a faulty perspective.

Page 173: par. 4: Dr.

Few, I imagine, would differ from Dr Mishan in deploring the by-products of this tendency.

Page 174: par. 0: Dr.

And, in my judgment at least, many if not all of the most conspicuous evils which Dr Mishan denounces would tend to disappear if the increase of numbers were to cease, still more if there were some tendency to reduction.

Page 177: St.

Aquinas, St Thomas.


Throughout the book it swaps between lowercase letters, and smallcaps. For example:

"bk. ii" and "bk. II"
"vol. ii" and "vol. II"

I cannot figure out the logic/reasoning behind it being lowercase or smallcaps.

The Economic Causes of War by Lionel Robbins

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 67-24595


Fix Notes:

Page 27: par.0: inevitable

Hence, too, the inevita-able collision of these powers as the area of non-capitalist economy still to be exploited becomes narrower and narrower.

Page 29: par. 0: underconsumption (?) (UNCHANGED)

To what extent is the under-consumption theory analytically consistent and what support does it furnish for the view that it is capitalism which is responsible for war?

Page 31: marksmanship (?) (UNCHANGED)

It does not present those obvious targets to logical markmanship which are the characteristics of earlier versions.

Page 90: par. 1: underconsumptionist (?) (UNCHANGED)

This, indeed, is the sediment of truth in the under-consumptionist theories of imperialism.

Page 100: Footnote 1: Italics

I cannot help thinking that my friend, Mr. E. L. Woodward, makes just the wrong point against Cobdenism when (in his interesting essay on War and Peace in Europe 1815-1870) he asks would such thinkers have been willing to ‘apply, as between state and state, forms of co-operation and mutual aid which they rejected in a sphere more directly under their control’?

Page 103: Footnote 1: missing comma before passim, "Death, passim"

See especially Civilization, War and Death passim.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science by Lionel Robbins

Status: One Round of QC (06.04.2013)

First Edition EPUB: DEAD LINK (If interested, leave a comment). Second Edition EPUB:!vBwykZYb!Lr7PaEX6ljU_1jg_2Af29UEbJO9QxaqCK1iB7aCJCWM

(First Edition) Fix Notes:

Page 2: Footnote 2: 'r' instead of 'n'

"Die Objectivität Sozialwissenschaftlichen und Sozialpolitischen Erkenntnis, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre"
should be:
"Die Objectivität Sozialwissenschaftlicher und Sozialpolitischer Erkenntnis, Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Wissenschaftslehre"

Page 12: Footnote 1: behaviour

No indeterministic view of be haviour is intended to be implied.

Page 31: par. 0 and par. 1: Two footnote #2s. (unchanged)

Nor, in spite of the hopes of certain industrial psychologists, is it capable of taking its place.2

The technical arts of production are simply to be grouped among the given factors influencing the relative scarcity of different economic goods.2

Page 43: par. 0: by-product (?) (UNCHANGED)

It implies, that is to say, that ultimate valuations are merely the bye-product of technical conditions.

Page 51: Footnote 1: Missing italics

Exchange, Prices and Production in Hyperinflation: Germany, 1920-1923, p, 320.
Page 57: par. 1: equalitarian

From time to time computations are made of the total money income accruing within a given area, and, from these totals, attempts are made to estimate the effects of large changes in an equilitarian direction. The best known of such attempts are the estimates of Professor Bowley and Sir Josiah Stamp.

Removed the final 2 advertisement pages for other Macmillan books.

PDF Metadata:

Author is wrongly "Lionell" Robbins (extra 'l')

(Second Edition) Fix Notes:

Page 2: Continuation of footnote from previous page: Missing period

(Cannan, Elementary Political Economy, p. 1) “It is too wide a definition to speak of Economics as the science of the

Page 125: Footnote 1: would-be

Scratch a would-be planner and you usually find a woulb-be dictator.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Great Depression by Lionel Robbins

Status: Almost Complete (v.3)


Fix Notes:

I didn't transfer the subchapters in this book (the way that Sigil auto-generates the TOC it would not be possible).

Page 114: par. 1: inoculated

Moreover, if they had, an electorate still more strongly innoculated with similar views would have set other men in their places.

Page 217: Table 15: bottom cut off, footnote 3 and 4 is missing. I grabbed the missing footnotes off of Google Books.

Page 219: Table 17: bottom of caption is cut off. Made an educated guess that the missing text was "Federal Reserve Bulletin."

Page 235: Table 33: column and partial footnote cut off. I grabbed the missing text off of Google Books.

Reduced Columns (so it can fit on smaller screens) of all tables besides:

Tables 5-6, 9-11, 25, 33-36

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Instead of a Book by Benjamin R. Tucker

Status: Almost Complete (v.4)

Thanks to Bill Starr for recommending this EPUB.

A lot of the work was built upon this great HTML version:

and this Internet Archive scan:

There is still some work that will be done on this, but it will be tiny things like typo fixes, formatting changes. The largest change that will be done is OCRing and inserting the Index, but this will be saved for a future date.


Friday, February 15, 2013

The Writings of F. A. Harper Volume 1 and 2 by F. A. Harper

Status: WIP (02.15.2013)

There is still some cosmetic changes needed (images, some CSS tweaks, minor things here and there, minor typos), but overall these EPUBs are complete.

Volume 1 EPUB (02.15.2013):
Volume 2 EPUB (02.15.2013):

Fix Notes:

Volume 1

Page 115: substitutes

They are money subsitutes of a type because they are the means of getting things under conditions of control, and would not exist under free prices.

Page 175: Judging

Juding from the money dilution alone, one would have expected every dollar to have lost about two-thirds of its value from 1939 to 1946.

Page 215: quotation was indented, while Parts 2 and 3 had no indentation

Page 247: encroachment

Suppose, as illustration of enroachment on liberty, that I desire to produce some wheat on my land, with which to feed my family.

Page 365: non-living

The use of nonliving sources of energy started to become important during the late nineteenth century, largely displacing work animals which now account for less energy than human labor itself.

Page 366: Non-life

Nonlife sources now comprise the prime form of energy.

Volume 2:

Page 25: economic

My reason for speaking of life and livelihood as equivalents to be thus compared is that whatever one produces, and his property, can quite appropriately be called the econimic extensions of the individual.

Page 37: number

Yet the same persons are presumed to have sufficient wisdom to select from among their nummber a ruler who will use political compulsion unselfishly and wisely.

Page 40: Quantitative

In like manner, then, these early economic theorists turned naturally and at once to trying to identify precisely what value is, so that the means of measuring value objectively and in precise quantative terms could be developed.

Page 57: for

[...] poorer half of the world devotes a major part of its time to a futile struggle fo an adequate diet, by standards of adequacy accepted by nutritionists.

NOTE: page 118-119 has a two page table/chart. This is impossible to reproduce in EPUB, so I just stuck them one after another.

Page 231: of

Since economics has not gained the stature od maturity already attained by other sciences now centuries old, it is concluded that it is not susceptible to the scientific approach.

Page 257: available

Under the proposed plan, when you are laid off, somebody besides yourself becomes empowered to decide whether or not another job avilable to you during the layoff period is a “suitable” job.

Page 257: accidental left single quotation

They would then be getting pay from another job while at the same time drawing unemployed ‘“guaranteed income” from the fund you helped build up.

Page 269: conspicious

Progress away from slavery in its comspicuous forms was made in various parts of the world.

Page 277+: Uses '«' '»' instead of the typical quotation marks

Page 285: Missing large "II" "Social Philosophy" at the top of the page (Parts I and III have it)

Page 295: ideological

To some it is appealing for idealogical reasons; they believe equality to be ideal from the standpoint of justice.

Page 316: working

Expectation of mutual advantage is the incentive for cooperating, for woking together.

Page 323: par. 2: that

If it were to be said tht C has a right to claim the job, it would mean that the right of decision, which properly belongs to A and to B, has now been confiscated by C.

Page 352-354: Notes/Bibliography doesn't match the rest of the book.

Page 361: abandonment

And for us as libertarians to define liberty in such a way that we must accept a socialized concept of morals before we can classify an act as one of liberty would seem to me to be an abondonment of our faith in the formulating of our own language.

Page 430: thought

His every throught is individually constructed, and can be transmitted to another only with difficulty and inaccuracies.

Page 437: par. 1: severed

Since socialism lives on what has already been produced by free men, it would die if this parasitic connection were servered.

Page 436: individual

Such unity denies to indiviual persons their rights as defined in our Declaration of Independence, for instance.

Page 476: which

It is not the main purpose here to appraise the wisdom of an employee owning shares in the business in whch he is employed.

Page 512: subconciously

We can continue to exist, after a fashion, and swim around in economic ignorance, as a cave man to whom chemicals were just something to swim in, or to stand on, or to fill one’s lungs with subsconsciously.

Page 529: footnote/bottom : Accidental '-', replaced with '.'

Reprinted, with permission, from The Freeman, January, 1957- Copyright © 1957 The Foundation for Economic Education, Inc.

Page 531: par. 1: original

I would be starting a chain reaction leading to an endless market for birch rods as a consequence of the orignal misdeed.

Page 534: destroys

We have already concluded that the process relies on fear rather than on understanding and sincere conviction; that it probably destroyes love and respect on the part of the victim.

Page 558: instance

We know, for intstance, that many great works of literature have been written by men who used wisely their time of confinement in prison.

Page 567: permanently

False charity destroys security. Having once allowed one’s self to become permenently obligated to another by debts that can never be repaid, the recipient loses his self-reliance and becomes insecure.

Page 591: par. 1: activities

Isn’t it a strange thing that if you select any three fundamentally moral persons and combine them into a collective for the doing of good, they are liable at once to become three immoral persons in their collective activites?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Journal of Libertarian Studies

Status: 1/473 Articles

This is where I will be placing all JLS EPUBs. The ultimate goal will be to convert JLS into EPUB just like the Libertarian Forum.

This is a HUGE undertaking. The entire journal is 8495 pages of articles over 31 years. The Journal of Libertarian Studies is ~3.7 million words, while the Libertarian Forum is a mere 1.3 million words.

In the end, I believe each Volume will get its own EPUB (an all encompassing one such as the Libertarian Forum I believe would be too large). Although the way I will build them will make it very easy to combine at a future date if need be.

These will slowly be chipped away over time while I have nothing better to do or if someone requests an article. :P

Volume 15.1.1: Monarchy and War:

Thanks to Sergio for requesting an EPUB of Volume 15.1.1 of JLS.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Effects of the War on the Money, Banking, Credit System of the United States by Benjamin Anderson

Status: Almost Complete (v.4)


Fix Notes:

Page 20: Presumably

Presumbably “espèces” means, simply, “ready funds” in the money market sense, including gold and silver coin, notes of the Banque de France, and deposits with the Banque de France and other banks.

Page 60: beginning

In the first place Germany, blockaded by the overpowering British navy, saw from the begining that she must make herself self-sufficing and that a radical transformation of her industries was therefore necessary.

Page 89: mobilized

[...] already been made to the proposal of Raphaël-Georges Lévy in 1914 shortly after the outbreak of the war that bank deposits be mobolized by means of checks “good only through the clearing house” accompanied by the use of clearing house certificates to be used in payments between the banks.

Page 119: receives

The former is a great state institution which re-cèives trust funds from the courts, the deposits of the friendly societies and the deposits of the ordinary savings banks, with some other minor items.

Page 160: Government

With the entrance of the United States into the war and the extension of credit by the American Government to the British Goverment, sterling has been in part protected by different measures.

Page 194: addition

In additon to control, worked out informally by the individual banks, over extensions of credit, there was organized on September 17, 1917, a subcommittee on money rates of the New York liberty loan committee, composed of the leading bankers of the city.

Page 208: Bethlehem

Among these were Butte and Superior, whose shares rose early on the great demand for zinc, Westinghouse Electric and, most conspicuous of all, Bethelehem Steel.

Page 224: "Levy, Raphaël-Georges," should be "Lévy"