Saturday, April 21, 2012

America's Second Crusade By William Henry Chamberlin

Status: Accepted on Mises (05.02.12)
ISBN-10: 0865977070
ISBN-13: 978-0865977075

Initial PDF (16 unreadable pages): 25.9 MB
My PDF (Bookmarked): 12.3 MB
My EPUB: 452 KB

Towards the end of the OCR stage, I requested a rescan of 16 pages which were unreadable, and I was promptly given them the next day! What great service from those who work at the Mises Institute!
Fixed PDF:

Fix Notes: PDF Page (Actual Page)

Page 287 (279 actual)
Changed to "Czechoslovakia"
  • For Czecholovakia substitute Poland.

  • Page 337 (329 actual)
    Changed to "civilian"

  • The other is that military officers and cilivian officials

  • Touchups (EPUB):

    I added an hr (35%) tag before the Footnotes.  I believe it looks much nicer than what I was previously doing (an h2 "Footnotes" section).

    Touchups (PDF):

    I cleaned (almost) every page.  I got rid of lots of underlines/markings.

    New Scans of pages (PDF):

  • 313, 316, 317, 320, 321, 324, 325, 328, 329, 332, 333, 336, 337, 340, 341, 344
  • Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    The Development of Economics by William A. Scott

    Status: Created
    Fixed EPUB:
    Fixed PDF:

    Original PDF:

    19.84 MB final bookmarked version compared to the 41.8 MB version (Original)

    Fix Notes: PDF Page (Actual Page)

    page 135 (125 actual) (PDF Version)
    A newly scanned image.

    page 249 (239 actual)
    Changed to "perfect":
    "ends whose beneficence is in pefect harmony with our ideas of the supreme wisdom"

    page 310 (300 actual)
    Changed to "Ricardo":
    "Ricarado had reckoned costs in terms of the amount of common or ordinary labor expended, measured in days or hours, and had held that changes"

    page 334 (324 actual)
    Changed to "devastated":
    "the repatriation of the war personnel and its absorption into the home economies, the restoration of devasted territory,"

    page 351 (341 actual)
    Changed to "subtracted":
    "The answer is, The least important one, since it is that which is conditioned upon the addition of a single unit to or the substraction of a single unit from, the supply."

    page 363 (353 actual)
    Changed to "impossible" and "profitably":
    "three taken together. But this is impossibe, since, when most profitaby employed, they can give only a return of 10.’"

    (UNCHANGED) page 376 (366 actual)
    Böhm-Bawerk skilfully demonstrated the inadequacy

    page 398 (388 actual)
    Changed to "circumstances":
    "But, besides this, there are other co-operating cirsumstances which work, even more distinctly, in the same direction"

    page 414 (404 actual)
    Changed to "altruistic":
    "and therefore irrespective of the egoistic or altrustic nature of the motives which dictate them and which "


    Throughout the book there are changes in "cooperating" "coöperating" and "co-operating"

    Sunday, April 1, 2012

    Free Market Economics: A Basic Reader + A Syllabus By Bettina Bien Greaves

    Status: Accepted on Mises (04.02.12)

    A Basic Reader
    ASIN: B000XG4Z6G
        - Original PDF: 41.3 MB
        - My PDF: 13.5 MB
    A Syllabus
    ASIN: B000XGBZF0
        - Original PDF: 21.0 MB
        - My PDF: 10.6 MB

    After creating a great OCR of the book, and completing the EPUB version, I had submitted my work to be accepted onto  I was emailed back with a request to add a much higher quality front/back cover to the book, and was given the source PDF used as the cover of the book that the Mises Institute published in 2007.  I added in the new cover for both the PDF and EPUB version, and resubmitted it.

    The EPUBs were promptly accepted and added onto as the official versions!

    A Basic Reader

    A Syllabus

    Fix Notes:

    A Basic Reader

    I seem to have lost my Changelog for "A Basic Reader" (although there was not much changed if I remember correctly, maybe one actual error).  And here is my Changelog for "A Syllabus".  There was one actual spelling mistake, and in the EPUB version I did one swap to make it fit more in line with the rest of the book:

    Changes to the PDF Version

        - Added chapter #s
        - Fixed the tree structure
            - A nice amount of the bookmarks were out of order
        - Added a few missing bookmarks

    A Syllabus

    Page 135 (129 acutal)

    - important thing is the ancitipated prospects of
        - changed to anticipated

    In EPUB:

    Page 176
    - There is a list of short quotes in the format of author + quote.  I decided to swap the positioning to quote + authors (right justified).