Thursday, December 12, 2013

Revolt on the Campus by M. Stanton Evans

Status: One Round of QC (12.11.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 65: par. 0: pamphlets

[...] be glad to send them their pamplets.

Page 65: par. 1: beginnings

Such were the modest biginnings of 1953. In the eight years since, they have been extended, not by high-pressure campaigning, but by the slow accretion of consent.

Page 105: par. 5: phenomenon

And his own following among college students has swollen into a massive national phenonemon.

Page 113: par. 0: organization

An endorsement by an infant organiaztion would do Nixon very little good; those who wanted his election could best achieve it [...]

Page 117: Footnote: between

[...] a radio appearance by author-editor Frank Meyer; speeches by Walter Judd and Senator Barry Goldwater; a debate betweeen William F. Buckley, Jr. and Charles Taft; [...]

Page 146: Footnote: social

A good deal of this jargon is borrowed from the graceless vocabulary of the socal scientists.

Page 228: par. 2: Committee’s

(Among the Central Committeee’s Iron Curtain members were Professor Josef Hromadka of Czechoslovakia, and Bishop Lajos Veto, a member of the Communist Hungarian Parliament.)

Page 248: Index: "VanHorne, Grant" accidentally missing a space. Should be "Van Horne, Grant"


Page 162: par. 4: purusal (?)

The delegates were told that “rather than a rally of student support, the conference will be a serious persual of all important aspects of the Peace Corps proposals.”

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Meaning of Ludwig von Mises edited by Jeffrey M. Herbener

Status: One Round of QC (12.07.2013)


Fix Notes:

Page 47: "Roger A. Arnold" shouldn't be italic, the authors in all the other chapters are not italic.

Page 57: Footnote 5: "Penn," to "Penn."

[...] a slightly shorter version of Haberler’s essay may be found as an appendix to Ludwig von Mises, Planning for Freedom (Spring Mills, Penn,: Libertarian Press, 1980), [...]

Page 60: Footnote 13: "Liberty Fund"

Ludwig von Mises, The Theory of Money and Credit, 3rd rev. ed. (1912; 2nd rev. ed., 1924; Indianapolis, Ind.: Liberty Funf, 1981).

Page 69: Footnote 36: Missing a closing period.

Page 71: par. 0: no spaces in the first line (?)

Page 112: Footnote 16: Revisited

[...] “‘Unreal Assumptions’ in Economic Theory: the F-Twist Revisted,” [...]

Page 133: Footnote 11: Space needs to be removed

[...] and The Free and Prosperous Commonwealth (Princeton, N .J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1962).

Page 159: Footnote 30: needs a space

More precisely still: it is structured according to thecategories of logic, arithmetic and protophysics (including geometry).

Page 167: Footnote 2: Spring

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Capital and Interest (1889; Sping Mills, Penn.: Libertarian Press, 1959).

Page 232: par. 0: remove the space at the end of blockquote

The determination of prices has, as far as the mutual exchange ratios between various commodities are concerned, no direct causal relationship whatever with the prices of the past .80

Page 250: Footnote 9: remove the space

A short review of the price stabilization movement is found in Murray N. Rothbard, America’s Great Depression , 4th ed. (1963; New York: Richardson & Synder, 1983), pp. 153-64.

Page 257: Footnote 29 at the very bottom of the page should not belong on that page. There is a duplicate (and the actual footnote in the text) on page 258.

Page 262: Footnote 39: maneuvers

For a full account of Durant’s devious manuevers, [...]

Page 266: "H.E. Batson" changed to "H. E. Batson" (to match the style of the rest of the book)

Page 277: par. 0: needs a space added

[...] supplementedby yesterday’s wild extravagances, should emphasize [...]

Page 284: Thanking footnote: "M.E. Bradford" changed to "M. E. Bradford" (to match the style of the rest of the book)

Page 285: footnote 4: This quotation needs to be flipped to a closing Right Double Quote.

[...] but by this he meant social systems characterized by “stagnation” and “rigidity,” where the purpose of government is to “prevent any innovations that could endanger its own supremacy. “This definition of conservatism would apply to Eastern cultures and Bismarckian welfarism.

Page 298: par. 1: twentieth

Neither did Mises sympathize with twenieth-century feminism.

Page 310: bottom par.: there is a footnote number 81.

Page 317: bottom par.: There is a colon accidentally in the superscript of Footnote 104.

3. Mises can be seen as typical of twentieth-century laissez-faire economics104: the advocates of free markets have largely been associated with cultural traditionalism.

Page 330: Footnote 26: Missing a closing period.


I removed the multiple title pages (page 2 of the PDF, page 4 of the PDF).

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market by Wilhelm Röpke

Status: One Round of QC (12.01.2013)


Library of Congress Catalog Number: 60-9661

Fix Notes:

Page 158: par. 0: "Lloyd’s Bank Review" should be "Lloyds Bank Review" (to match the other usages in the book)

Page 215: par. 1: responsibility

It certainly has the ultimate responsibilty.

Page 224: par. 1: between

I would go so far as to deny the justice of calling anyone a deflationist in the same sense in which his opposite number may be called an inflationist, for the simple reason that, as we know, there exists an asymmetry betwen inflation and deflation.

Page 282: Footnote 33: "M. Friedmann" needs to be "M. Friedman"

Page 305: Index on the right column: "Friedmann, M.," needs to be "Friedman, M.,"

Page 308: Index on the right column under "Mass state—cont.": "industralization" -> industrialization


I removed the "secondary title page" on page 15 of the PDF (right before Chapter 1). It doesn't make much sense in the ebook edition.

Page 282: bottom right corner is missing.


Page 201-202: last par. to next page: savings (?)

Thus saving, which got such poor marks in the theories inspired by Keynes, is again assigned the place of honor which common sense always regarded as saving’s due.

Page 239: bottom par.: dependencies (?)

The trade-union itself becomes one of those “organizations” which are an expression of growing concentration; it creates, in its turn, new vertical dependences and new hierarchies with an above and a below, with bosses and subordinates.