EPUB (Volume I): https://mega.co.nz/#!OBh0URIa!fwvzg-RwnfHycnw0P8V_KfXELcj5P-KkykVw-tKEqtg
EPUB (Volume II): https://mega.co.nz/#!Wdx2CKYL!MSExM4MM50nmTujY9ivdUTIFeFXJA1DvYSVsqlVELWU
EPUB (Volume III): https://mega.co.nz/#!GFJFVZ4I!gJJcbV8ouLyQKAvno8Nz0lOEQDY0MdQu-T1fY5PcvhE
Based off of these scans:
Volume I (1608-1865): https://mises.org/document/4909/The-Economic-Mind-in-American-Civilization-16061865-Volume-One
Volume II (1608-1865): https://mises.org/document/4910/The-Economic-Mind-in-American-Civilization-16061865-Volume-Two
Volume III (1865-1918) (Archive.org): https://archive.org/details/economicmindinam033113mbp
Volume IV and Volume V (1918-1933) were printed in 1969 (I think), and I can't seem to find any digital versions (don't believe these are in the public domain anyway (?)).
Fix Notes (Volume I):
Page 123: par. 3: country
Maryland followed with an act like Virginia’s, and the supporters there added that the act did not raise the rents of tenants, for it was not to the landlord’s interest to exact an exorbitant rent in a counry where land may be had on easy terms.
Page 490: par. 1: Bollmann’s
Bollmann might have been exaggerating in claiming that Baring, who had signed the Bullion Report, had sent him a flattering answer after seeing the manuscript; but Bollman’s letter did accord with the policy of the British government.
Page 491: par. 2: Bollmann
Turning to political arguments, Bollman showed that he was as good as the next man in using democratic arguments when the occasion suggested.
Page vi (Page 516 of the PDF): Footnotes: 23 is missing a closing quote.
Page xxix (Page 539 of the PDF): Footnotes: 59 is missing a closing quote.
Page 432: par. 1: division (?)
It will accumulate in individuals and families despite provisions for alienation of estates and divison of intestate estates, for the industrious must gather the wealth of the profligate.
Page 4: bottom of the page: I removed this "footnote 1", as it only states that "All bibliographic references will be found at the end of this volume".
Part I + Books??? How exactly was this split? (In Volume III there are only Parts, and no "Books").
Fix Notes (Volume II):
Page 617: par. 1: candidate
The Whigs elected their candiate, General William Henry Harrison, the Indian fighter, in 1840 by taking full advantage of the sneer of a Democrat that the General would be happy inside a log cabin with some hard cider.
Page 679: par. 1: treatise
In 1849 Kellogg avowedly based his scheme on an inconvertible currency, but made his appeal both to the “workingmen” and the businessmen, as the grandiose title of his treastise suggests: [...]
Page 689: par. 1: precarious
So he continued to maintain a percarious existence as newspaperman and farmer.
Page 733: par. 2: address
In his inaugural addess he denounced rigid conservatism, the stifling of curiosity and the spirit of independence, and incompetent lazy teachers who merely heard students recite the contents of a textbook.
Page 804: par. 1: economy
They sounded more profound than “political eco-omy.”
Page 855: par. 2: congratulated
On the eighth he congratuated the Charleston banks for agreeing to curtail credits only slightly because the policy will immediately restore commercial confidence.
Page xxx (526 of the PDF): Index: "Cardozo, Jacob Nuñez" has an accidental comma at the very end.
Page 643: bottom par.: this paragraph is just plopped in by accident?
"up all over the state, and a state convention was even held. As one shrewd observer of the day noticed, the party consisted “as well of [...]
Page 949: par. 1: This quote doesn't have a closing quote. I added a closing quote right before superscript 12.
“So we must know our powers of resistance. It becomes the South to increase its strength and weight in the Union, construct its railroads, extend its commerce, build up its manufactures, protect its arts, endow its universities and colleges, provide for its schools and prepare . . . for whatever God has in store. . . .12
Moved "The Jackson Wage-Earner Thesis" to before the Index.
Part II + Books??? How exactly was this split? (In Volume III there are only Parts, and no "Books").Fix Notes (Volume III):
Page 31: par. 2: government's
These included the retention of federal forces in the South as well as of the Freedmen’s Bureau, which was the economic arm of the federal govenment’s intervention.
Page 143: par. 2: There is no closing quote. I added one before Footnote 3
“Turn light into the caverns of ignorance, and the bats will whirr about your ears. [...]
Page 159: par. 1: Encyclopedia
In the realm of thought he had a lasting value. Not least among his contributions was his widely used The Encylopedia of Social Reform (1897), which in 1908 was revised as The New Encyclopedia of Social Reform.
Page 381: par. 3: There is no closing quote. I added one before Footnote 35
“Cost is the long-run refusal price below which, as a margin, the advantages of some alternative activity will tip the scales.35
Page 408: par. 2: approximately
While such expansion was inflationary, he contended that it would be safe if it were continued until the long-term rate of interest fell to appoximately 2 1/2 or 3 per cent.
Page 456: par. 0: cycle
Mitchell brought diligent academic research to bear on the concept of the cyle.
Page lxvii (Page 575 of the PDF): Index: "History of the Greenbacks with Special Reference to the Economic Consequences of Their Issue: 1862-1865, A, by W. C. Mitchell" is missing a page number. It should state
History of the Greenbacks with Special Reference to the Economic Consequences of Their Issue: 1862-1865, A, by W. C. Mitchell, 475
In Volume III, he uses "DeBow". In Volume I and II, "De Bow" was used. Should these be normalized?Page 283: par. 2: entrepreneurial (?)
He gave as the reasons that such profits, having arisen from monopoly privileges such as land sites, patents, franchises, trusts, good will, etc., were the returns not of industry but of certain fixed social relations and rights; that, like rent of land, they tended to engross all the gains of progress; that they differed from the true entrepreneural profits because the latter arose from the ability and risks of the entrepreneur and were temporary and contingent; and that permanent monopoly profits might originally have been the personal profits of the entrepreneur, but, when capitalized, became permanent profits.
Page 376: par. 0: Ph.D. (?)
He apparently attended no classes, but within a year took all the examinations for the four-year course and received a Ph.B.
Page 437: par. 1: experiment (?)
The supreme principle in “the development of knowledge” was the “activity of the experient subject itself.”
I removed the "Also by Joseph Dorfman" page right in the beginning.
Page 4: Footnote *: I removed this, since it didn't make sense in this EPUB. All footnotes are at the end of the chapters.