Status: Complete
Fix Notes:
Page 94: franc
As we shall later see, this was a very important factor in saving the French
france from the complete collapse that the German mark went through.
Page 106: Participation
Paricipation in Loan Conditioned on Immediate Gold Payments by Bank.
Page 116: assisted
[...] Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
asssisted and supported by an untrained and inexperienced man in Washington, [...]
Page 158: franc
French wholesale prices in May of 1926 were below the world level even if the
france were put at 4¢, while with the franc at 3 1/2¢ French wholesale prices would have been far below the world gold level.
Page 159: In
Native French products (
in French currency )
Page 186: were
The Federal Reserve authorities
wese using measures which, on the basis of their past experience, [...]
Page 216
Missing a period at the end of Footnote 1 (Potential Scan Error?)
Page 307: conflict
The New Deal is far too complex to be described in any simple terms, but the
conflct between a liberal foreign trade policy and the policy of internal regimentation is one of the clues to much that follows.
Page 380 OR 381
Missing Footnote 1 (in text and bottom of the page), OR Footnote 2 and 3 on Page 381 should be changed to 1 and 2.
Page 385
Footnote 1 in text and bottom of page should become Footnote 2
Page 428: bookkeeping
In cases where
bookeeping was difficult to enforce
Page 454
Missing commas
If a man bought $10,000 worth of stock, the rule required that he pay in cash
$5500 and that he borrow only
$4500. His margin was 55% of the cost of the stock, but it was 122% of the
$4500 loan.
Page 471
Table has an extra/empty column. Potentially meant to have an "Amer. Labor" column?
Page 494
Footnote "1" is supposed to be Footnote 3.
Page 498: population
The estimate is that the growth of the poulation in the last half of the nineteenth century was “responsible” for perhaps 60% of the “capital formation” in the United States.
Page 531
Missing commas
[...] individuals of
$3000 and less, and over 80% of the total income of the country was received by individuals and families with incomes of
$5000 and less.
Page 535: monopolies
[...] was greatly helped by the fact that its indirect taxes and its revenues from fiscal
monoplies came in [...]
Page 554: with
He said that the trouble
wtih the Nazi is that they do not have consciences.
Page 568: bureaucrats
[...] with red tape cut through, did a job which
bureacrats could never do in peacetime.
Page 571: Government
[...] which characterized the relation of
Goverment with business at the beginning of the war, [...]
Page 586: Criticisms
Criticisims of the Bank.
Page 597
Index, under England, "equalization"
equilization account, 417;
Page 600
"Poincare" should be changed to "Poincaré"
Changed the format of the table on page 447, 516.
Added Chapter numbers to the bookmarks
Added Numbering
6: "Postwar Bom" -> Boom
14: "Frank" -> France
60: "Keynesy" -> Keynes
81: "British loan" -> Loan